Last Chance for Early Bird Discount
Entrance Test Result 9 December 2017
Please note that the Acceptance Letter and other related information about payment schedule and re-registration will be sent by email to the students within not later than one week Candidates whom are not in the list can take the Re-test on 13 January 2018 by appointment with Admission For Further information, please contact MARKETING & ADMISSION at
Entrance Test Result 11 November 2017
Please note that the Acceptance Letter and other related information about payment schedule and re-registration will be sent by email to the students within not later than one week Candidates whom are not in the list can take the Re-test on 9 December 2017 For Further information, please contact MARKETING & ADMISSION at SGU Hotline
Entrance Test 14 October 2017 Result
Please note that the Acceptance Letter and other related information about payment schedule and re-registration will be sent by email to the students within not later than one week Candidates whom are not in the list can take the Re-test on 11 November 2017 For Further information, please contact MARKETING & ADMISSION at SGU Hotline
IHPCON 2017 Jadi Awal Kolaborasi "Stakeholder" Keamanan TI Indonesia
Bukan rahasia lagi kalau para pelaku kejahatan siber kini makin terkoordinasi. Diketahui ada sejumlah sindikat kriminal siber yang mengorganisasi serangan di berbagai negara dengan aneka motif, dari ekonomi, mata-mata, sampai politik. Di sisi lain, para stakeholder keamanan TI umumnya masih bergerak sendiri-sendiri. Akibatnya, benteng keamanan digital mereka lebih mudah dilumpuhkan dan ditembus. Melihat hal tersebut,
Executive View : Semangat Berbagi Charles Lim bersama Indonesia Honeynet Project
Artikel ini pertama kali terbit di majalah InfoKomputer Edisi Agustus 2017 dengan judul "Semangat Berbagi". Sejak enam tahun lalu pria ini gigih mendorong komunitas yang ia pimpin untuk terus berkarya. Impiannya sederhana: memberikan kontribusi bagi bangsa ini. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles". Melalui