Fakultas Teknik & Teknologi Informasi


Mekatronika mengacu pada pendekatan terintegrasi pada bidang multidisiplin yang melibatkan teknik mesin, elektronika, dan ilmu komputer. Aplikasi dari bidang ini sangat banyak, mulai dari otomatisasi manufaktur hingga desain produk pintar (smart products). Lulusan kami mampu memodernisasi teknologi lama agar dapat membuat produk dan manufaktur ke tingkat yang lebih modern. Mekatronika SGU kini bekerja sama dengan SIEMENS sebagai Universitas pertama di Asia Tenggara yang diberi wewenang untuk menyelenggarakan Siemens Certification Program.

Prospek Karir

Dalam beberapa dekade mendatang, tugas manusia yang cenderung berulang dan membutuhkan kecepatan dan kualitas yang lebih tinggi akan mengarah pada otomatisasi industri yang lebih banyak di Indonesia. Kurangnya ahli otomasi menciptakan tingginya kebutuhan akan SDM yang mampu untuk memelihara dan merancang otomatisasi diciptakan secara lokal. Secara internasional, pengembangan Internet of Things, konektivitas perangkat dan peralatan dan produk cerdas lainnya akan membutuhkan ahli mekatronika.

Kendaraan Listrik Hibrida

Studying Hybrid Electric Vehicles is not just about following technological trends; it also provides the ability to adapt to industrial changes and make a positive contribution to global challenges related to transportation and the environment.

The Hybrid Electric Vehicles program prepares students to become professionals who can contribute to the development and implementation of sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation solutions. Additionally, the program often includes practical projects and collaborations with the automotive industry to provide students with hands-on experience.

Prospek Karir

The Hybrid Electric Vehicles industry presents a multitude of significant career opportunities, reflecting the dynamic evolution of technology and market demand. Below is an overview of key career opportunities:

  • Engineer
  • Researcher
  • Vehicle Software Developer
  • Energy Management and Charging
  • Technopreneur
  • Supply Chain Manager

Each of these career opportunities plays a vital role in realizing innovation, sustainability, and efficiency in the continually evolving automotive industry.

Information Technology: Cyber Security

A cybersecurity major immerses students in cutting-edge digital defense, integrating emerging technologies like AI and blockchain to counter evolving threats. Emphasizing ethical hacking, students learn to identify vulnerabilities, navigating legal frameworks in simulated cyber-attacks. In-depth malware analysis equips them to dissect and counter malicious code, while cyber threat intelligence training enables proactive strategies against potential threats. This comprehensive skill set prepares graduates to safeguard digital infrastructure effectively. Armed with expertise in emerging technologies, ethical hacking, malware analysis, and cyber threat intelligence, they navigate the dynamic cybersecurity landscape adeptly, making them valuable assets in defending against diverse cyber threats.

Prospek Karir

  1. Cybersecurity Analyst: Focusing on the analysis and implementation of security measures to protect computer systems and networks.
  2. Ethical Hacker/Penetration Tester: Identifying vulnerabilities through authorized simulated attacks, enhancing overall system security.
  3. Security Consultant: Providing expert advice, assessing risks, and developing comprehensive security strategies for organizations.
  4. Incident Responder: Managing and mitigating the impact of security incidents, responding swiftly to cyber threats.
  5. Security Architect: Designing secure computer systems, networks, and applications to prevent potential threats.
  6. Security Engineer: Implementing and maintaining security solutions, including firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems.
  7. Threat Intelligence Analyst: Collecting and analyzing data to provide insights into potential cyber threats, aiding proactive defense strategies.

Information Technology: Technopreneurship

Banyak aplikasi masa kini yang secara ekstensif dilengkapi dengan kemampuan Artificial Intelligence (AI), yang membuatnya lebih menarik dan berguna. Selain itu, jumlah data yang dihasilkan secara online setiap hari sangat besar. Data dalam jumlah besar ini, disebut Big Data, namun data ini tidak banyak gunanya kecuali jika diolah untuk menghasilkan wawasan yang berguna untuk bisnis, pemerintahan, pendidikan, masyarakat, penelitian, dll. Selain itu, Teknologi Informasi dan Internet telah membuka peluang besar bagi banyak orang menjadi Pengusaha Teknologi Informasi. Banyak generasi milenial dan Z yang sangat tertarik dengan wirausaha. Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) dan Startups telah menjadi jargon di hampir semua institusi pendidikan.

SGU Bachelor IT has been in the forefront in providing IT skills since the beginning. We constantly adapt our teaching to align with the demand of industry. As we have highlighted above, that the need for AI and Data Scientist as well as IT Entrepreneur is increasing, that’s why our new curriculum offered in 2020 will have these two concentrations, AI and Data Scientist and IT Technopreneurship.

Prospek Karir

Graduates with an IT Bachelor’s degree enjoy excellent, diverse and global employment opportunities. Many IT graduates work in multinational companies or as IT consultants. IT jobs range from Enterprise Web/Mobile Application Developer, Network Admin and Security, System Analyst, Big Data Analyst, to Technopreneur in IT as well as other IT related businesses.

Information Technology: AI & Data Science

IT Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has actually become something that we usually encounter through today’s technological sophistication, for example, the computer vision application on the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (e-tilang) system in Jakarta that uses smart cameras. In addition there are many other things such as Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, and many more. In today’s world, data science also has a big role to predict information and generate useful insights for various fields, such as decision making in business, politics, health, etc.

Committed as a university that always aligns with industry demands, Swiss German University is ready to facilitate these needs through the Information Technology – Artificial Intelligence & Data Science study program.

Prospek Karir

To prepare for human resource needs in 2025, SGU prepares its students to compete in the industry as data scientists, AI scientists, and machine learning engineers.

IT Artificial Intelligence

Teknik Industri: Industri Pintar

Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics have become new alternative methods that are frequently used for systems optimization in the era of Industry 4.0, for example in process automation, e-commerce, business intelligence and analytics, and predictive maintenance. Utilizing AI and data analytics for improving engineering and business systems requires good understanding and competences in operations management, logistics and supply chain, human factors, economy, and optimization methods. These competences assure that the investment on new sophisticated technology implementation could lead the organization to higher performance and efficiency, along with better sustainability.

In order to support the Indonesian government’s initiatives in Industry 4.0 and circular economy, along with the needs of digital talents that rising in the future of works, Industrial Engineering: Smart Industry of Swiss German University facilitates with the curriculum and conducts collaborative programs with industry and partner universities that are aligned with the needs of human capitals that have competences to optimize the performance of engineering and business systems with artificial intelligence and data analytics

Prospek Karir

Industrial Engineering: Smart Industry comes with a wide range of skills that makes them adaptive and resilient to changes. This ensures that an industrial engineer from smart industry specialization can work in both technical and managerial positions such as:

  • Leading a digital transformation team in engineering systems and in business systems (i.e. business development and innovation)
  • Artificial intelligence and data analytics for business and industrial systems optimization (i.e. data driven decision making, risk analysis etc.)
  • Optimizing facility and equipment utility and reliability by implementing data science and analytics (i.e. predictive maintenance)
  • Designing and developing smart system for operations of manufacturing, logistics and supply chain
  • Utilizing additive manufacturing in product design and development, smart product lifecycle management, etc.
  • Occupational health and safety manager, especially with the involvement of smart technologies
  • Quality engineer and quality assurance inspector
  • Consulting and computer automation

The following are industrial sectors that can be opportunities for smart industry engineers:

  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics and supply chain
  • Service industries (including banking and finance, telecommunication, e-commerce)
  • Engineering, business, and management consulting
  • Mining and energy sectors
  • Innovation and business development

Teknik Industri: Industri Ramah Lingkungan

industrial engineering eco industry

The emerging world issues related to sustainability drive the general industry to achieve cleaner production. With the use of modern tools, concepts, methods, and technologies, green engineering, and technology help to build sustainable and eco-friendly designs and breakthroughs. The concept is aligned with the United Nations 2030 agenda: achieving sustainable development goals. In accordance with the issue, Industrial Engineering: EcoIndustry of Swiss German University has directed students to have a sustainable mindset which is based on economic, environmental, and social perspectives

The field of study includes green economy, circular economy, supply chain management, lean operations, and maintenance management; and equipped with knowledge from digital and technological aspects such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics. This set of competences provided to the students ensures that our graduates will be prepared for the competitive market in the industrial world especially in the face of the Industry 4.0 era.

Prospek Karir

Industrial Engineering: Eco Industry comes with such a wide range of skills that makes them adaptive and resilient to changes. This ensures that an industrial engineer from eco industry specialization can work in both technical and managerial positions such as:

  • Leading a transformation team, in engineering systems and in business systems (i.e. business development and innovation for sustainability and circular economy)
  • Artificial intelligence and data analytics utilization for business and industrial systems optimization, involving sustainability and circular economy as the performance indicators
  • Optimizing facility and equipment utility and reliability for sustainability, including the implementation of data science and analytics (i.e. predictive maintenance)
  • Designing and developing system for operations of manufacturing, logistics and supply chain that involves sustainability and circular economy as the performance indicators (i.e. green manufacturing and reverse logistics)
  • Engineering in green product design and development, product life cycle assessment for environment, etc.
  • Designing and developing waste management system
  • Energy efficiency engineering
  • Engineering in occupational health and holding a safety managerial position in sustainability

The following are industrial sectors that can be opportunities for eco-industry engineers:

  • Eco-industry and green production
  • Sustainable logistics and supply chain
  • Service industries (green economy, green finance)
  • Mining and energy sectors (including new and renewable energy sectors)
  • Eco-consulting
  • Waste management
industrial engineering eco industry

Cari Tahu Lebih Lanjut

Tanya Jawab

Apa itu Swiss German University? Apakah lembaga pendidikan ke Swiss dan Jerman?

Swiss German University atau biasa dikenal dengan SGU bukanlah lembaga pendidikan, melainkan sebuah Universitas Swasta dengan program internasional yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2000 berlokasi di Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.

Apa yang membedakan SGU dengan Universitas Internasional lainnya?

  1. Gelar Ganda (Double Degree): SGU adalah universitas internasional pertama di Indonesia yang didirikan dengan program gelar ganda (double degree) internasional, semua lulusan SGU akan mendapatkan dua ijazah yaitu Sarjana dari Indonesia dan Sarjana dari universitas rekanan kami di Jerman atau Swiss.
  2. Pengajaran dalam bahasa Inggris: SGU menggunakan 100% bahasa Inggris dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, buku, tugas dan skripsi.
  3. Program Magang Ganda: Siswa SGU akan mengambil dua Magang. Satu semester di Indonesia dan satu semester di Jerman atau Swiss atau negara lain.
  4. Pengakuan kurikulum internasional: kurikulum internasional yang digunakan oleh SGU telah diakui oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Indonesia.
  5. Siap untuk Industri 4.0: kurikulum yang digunakan SGU berorientasi pada industri dan siap untuk industri 4.0.
  6. Dosen Berkualifikasi: Sebagian besar dosen SGU memperoleh SK Akademik dari universitas terkemuka di luar negeri dan mereka semua memiliki pengalaman di dunia profesional sesuai dengan mata kuliah yang mereka ajarkan.
  7. Dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan lain yang menjadikan SGU sebagai universitas dengan kualitas pendidikan internasional terbaik di Indonesia.

Program Studi apa yang ditawarkan SGU?

Swiss German University menawarkan 12 Program Studi dari 3 Fakultas:

1. Fakultas Engineering and Information Technolo

  • Mekatronika
  • Teknik Industri
  • Teknologi Informasi

2. Fakultas Business and Communication

  • Bisnis dan Manajemen
  • Akuntansi dan Analisis Data
  • Komunikasi Strategis Global
  • Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan
  • Bisnis Kuliner Internasional

3. Fakultas Life Sciences and Technology

  • Teknik Biomedik
  • Teknik Kimia Farmasi
  • Food Technology, Biomedical Engineering
  • Energi Terbarukan dan Lingkungan

Berapa kisaran biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk kuliah di SGU?

Biaya Perkembangan Normal = Rp. 58.500.000 (hanya di Semester 1)

Iuran Semester Normal = Rp. 30.000.000 atau Rp. 27.500.000 / semester (tergantung Program Studi yang dipilih)

Apa saja persyaratan untuk mendaftar SGU?

Persyaratan Umum:

  1. Kandidat harus duduk di kelas 12 SMA / sederajat, atau
  2. Program Sarjana tidak boleh lebih dari 22 tahun pada semester akademik pertama.

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan:

  1. 1 salinan raport kelas 10, 11, dan 12 yang dilegalisir oleh Kepala Sekolah.
  2. 1 fotokopi KTP / SIM / Paspor untuk pelajar lokal.
  3. 1 lembar Paspor & KITAS untuk Sekolah Internasional.
  4. 2 buah pas foto berukuran 4 X 6 cm (berwarna, dengan latar belakang merah).
  5. 1 fotokopi Kartu Keluarga.
  6. 1 fotokopi Surat Keterangan Keluarga (Kartu Keluarga).
  7. Surat keterangan dokter yang menyatakan bahwa siswa tidak menderita buta warna (khusus untuk siswa Life Sciences).
  8. 1 lembar fotokopi ijazah SMA / SMK / MA yang dilegalisir oleh kepala sekolah (SETELAH DITERBITKAN).
  9. 1 lembar fotokopi Transkrip Nilai (Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional SMA / SMK / MA) yang dilegalisir oleh kepala sekolah (SETELAH DITERBITKAN).
  10. Calon lulusan luar negeri atau sekolah menengah internasional harus melegalisasi (Penyetaraan) ijazah sekolah menengah melalui Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia atau mengikuti IJAZAH Paket C.

Bagaimana langkah-langkah pendaftarannya?

a. Registrasi

Anda dapat mendaftar di sini: https://entrancetest.sgu.ac.id/bachelor/ dengan formulir yang lengkap dan benar.

b. Biaya pendaftaran

Transfer biaya pendaftaran Rp 400.000 melalui transfer bank ke:


Larangan: BCA - Cabang BSD

Nomor Rekening:  4973000007

Kirimkan Tanda Terima Transfer dan Dokumen yang Diperlukan ke Departemen Penerimaan melalui email ke [email protected].

c. Tes Masuk

  • Tes Masuk terdiri dari tes tertulis Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika.
  • Tautan Tes Masuk akan dikirim ke email Anda. silakan ikuti tes maksimal dua hari setelah Anda menerima email.

d. Wawancara

  • Wawancara dapat dilakukan melalui platform online atau tatap muka di Kampus SGU The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera, sesuai jadwal yang Anda isi di formulir pendaftaran online.

Apa persyaratan siswa dari sekolah SPK?

Calon siswa wajib memiliki sertifikat kesetaraan dari Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia ATAU harus memiliki sertifikat Ujian Paket C. Setelah itu mereka dipersilakan mendaftar dan melengkapi persyaratan seperti calon mahasiswa lainnya.

Bisakah Anda memberikan contoh perusahaan yang telah bermitra dengan SGU dalam program magang?


Apakah SGU memiliki program beasiswa?

Ya, SGU memiliki beasiswa dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

  1. Beasiswa Prestasi Akademik: diberikan kepada Kandidat yang berprestasi akademik baik.
  2. Beasiswa Prestasi Kompetisi: diberikan kepada Kandidat yang berprestasi dalam kompetisi olahraga / seni / sains / keterampilan.
  3. Beasiswa Rekomendasi: diberikan kepada Calon Mahasiswa yang belum berprestasi namun memiliki sikap yang baik, motivasi yang kuat untuk kuliah di SGU, dan surat rekomendasi -paling penting- dari orang atau institusi tertentu yang diakui oleh SGU
  4. Beasiswa Pendidikan: diberikan kepada Calon Mahasiswa yang belum mendapatkan prestasi atau surat rekomendasi namun memiliki sikap yang baik, motivasi yang kuat untuk kuliah di SGU, dan dapat memenuhi persyaratan untuk jalur beasiswa ini.

Diskon apa yang akan saya dapatkan jika saya menerima beasiswa?

Penerima beasiswa akan mendapatkan potongan biaya semester dari 25% menjadi 100% untuk dua atau delapan semester tergantung hasil seleksi.

Bagaimana langkah-langkah pendaftaran Beasiswa?

Anda dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah pendaftaran di poin 5 dengan memilih jalur beasiswa pada saat proses pendaftaran online.

Siapa yang dapat saya hubungi untuk informasi lebih lanjut?

For further information, please contact SGU’s Marketing Department at Hotline 08118010600 (available in WhatsApp) or direct to our Education Consultant:

Atau Kunjungi Akun Media Sosial kami, Instagram / Twitter / Facebook: @Swissgermanuniv