

Studying at SGU Paved the Way for a Filipino Student to Pursue Career in Germany

Christian Alison M. Piolo, a Filipino citizen, who is also familiarly called Chris, has a strong interest in technology. Studying and working in Germany has been Chris’ dream since high school. For Chris, working in Germany is a valuable experience, because the country has an advanced level of technological application and innovation. However, Chris was

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IE . Misc

800 Millions Workers in The world Could Be Displaced by Automation in 2030

Did you know that as many as 400 million to 800 million workers in the world could be displaced by automation in 2030? (Mc Kinsey Report, 2017) The digital revolution demands all social components, both society, business, and government, to adapt immediately. They perform a digital transformation, namely a process to convert various information from

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

6 Highest Career Prospects as Industrial Engineers

Industrial engineering is known as one of the applicable disciplines, because students studying this are certainly equipped with very versatile skills. Before talking further, let us first discuss the definition of Industrial Engineering. Basically, industrial engineering is diverse (various) disciplines concerned to improve and optimize integrated systems that consist of human, equipment, material, information, energy,

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program IE

3 Fintech Challenges and Their Solutions

Financial technology in Indonesia has very rapid growth lately, both in the payment sector and peer to peer (P2P) lending. Based on statistical data from Bank Indonesia and Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, the value of e-money transactions increase 73 percent in the March 2018-February 2019. Total fintech payments reached Rp 47.1 trillion in 2018. More rapid

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Misc

Wearable Mini ECG, Solution for the Lack of Cardiologists in Indonesia

Cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death in Indonesia. Basic Health Research data for 2018 conducted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, shows that at least 2.7 million people in this country suffer from heart disease. That means, 15 out of 1000 people in Indonesia are detected suffering from this

By SGU Public Relation | BE . Blog . Misc

5 Things You Should Know about Mechatronics Engineering

Today’s challenge is answering industrial automation needs, and mechatronics is the answer! The emergence of Industry 4.0 forces us to become people who continue to advance, are technology literate, and are always able to answer the needs of industrial automation. So, mechatronics is the answer! To discuss further, here are 5 things you should know

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program MME . Study Program MT

TipsMendapatkanProgram Beasiswa di Universitas Ini Patut Anda Coba

Ketika anda hendak mendaftarkan program beasiswa, Beberapa universitas akan meminta Anda untuk memperlihatkan IPK tertentu, sementara yang lainnyamungkin berharap Anda untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan ekstra kurikuler atau menggunakan jam kerja sukarela sebagai cara untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan. Beasiswa suatu universitas dapat diperoleh asalkan pelamar mengikuti langkah-langkah penting yang diberlakukan pihak penyelenggara.Seiring berkembangnya tekhnologi saat ini,

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Benefit Kuliah Di Luar Negeri Ini Patut Anda Pertimbangkan

Benefit yang didapat sesudah menyelesaikankuliah di luar Negeri bersifat jangka panjang, salah satu keuntungan dari kuliah di luar Negeri ialah memiliki program studi yang lebih luas, termasuk pilihan penelitian dan pelatihan berbasis keterampilan untuk siswa. Selain itu, kuliah di luar Negeri juga menjadi kesempatan untuk bertemu teman baru dari berbagai latar belakang suku dan budaya

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3 Jurusan Kuliah Ini Kerap Jadi Primadona Bagi Calon Mahasiswa Baru!!

Jika Anda pergi atau hendak masuk ke suatu universitas, yang pertama terlintas di benak Anda ialah memilih jurusan kuliah yang akan diambil. Saat ini, ada berbagai macam jurusan kuliah / program studi yang ditawarkan beberapa universitas Negeri ataupun Swasta di banyak daerah yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Anda dapat melakukan research terlebih dahulu mengenai

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Universitas Negeri Atau Swasta? Pelajari Perbedaannya Biar Nggak Salah Pilih

Bagi para siswa yang baru saja selesai menempuh Sekolah Menengah Atas, sudah saatnya menentukan pilihan yang menentukan arah hidup anda kedepannya. Apakah Anda hendak langsung bekerja atau kuliah?Pernahkah Anda merasa dilema atau bingung ketika hendak memutuskan masuk ke suatu Universitas?karenaada sangat banyak universitas saat ini yang bisa dijadikan pilihan. Maka dari itu, Anda tidak bisa

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