


Keamanan Siber: Lindungi Diri dan Bisnis Digital Anda

As technology continues to advance, individuals and businesses face escalating cyber threats, making robust cybersecurity measures crucial for safeguarding digital assets.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Mengungkap Keajaiban Teknologi Kuliner dalam Program Teknologi Pangan

The intersection of culinary arts and technology has given rise to a fascinating realm within Food Technology programs. As students delve into the intricacies of this discipline, they find themselves on a journey that not only explores the traditional aspects of cooking but also integrates cutting-edge technology to enhance and revolutionize the culinary experience.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . FT . Misc

A Casual Guide to Meeting the Industry’s Demands for Fresh Industrial Engineering Graduates

In the era of Industry 4.0, characterized by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, industrial operations have undergone a significant transformation due to technological advancements. For graduates in industrial engineering, thriving in this digital landscape necessitates a diverse skill set.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IE . Misc

Empowering Tomorrow: Unveiling the Advantages of SGU’s Hybrid Electric Vehicles Study Program

Technological Innovation: HEV studies provide a gateway to a profound understanding of technological innovations in the automotive industry. Students can access knowledge about the ongoing development of vehicle software, battery technology, and propulsion systems. Demand for High-Quality Jobs: With the rapid growth of the electric and hybrid vehicle industry, there is an increasing demand for

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program MME . Study Program MT

Study IT – Cyber Security at SGU: Your Way to be the Next Cyber Security Expert

In an era dominated by technology, the need for skilled cybersecurity experts has never been more critical. As businesses and individuals alike become increasingly dependent on digital platforms, the demand for professionals capable of safeguarding sensitive information and securing online environments continues to soar. If you aspire to be at the forefront of this dynamic

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program IT

SGU Memperluas Peluang Global bagi Mahasiswa: Pintu Gerbang Menuju Kesuksesan Internasional

In an era where global exposure is crucial for personal and professional growth, Swiss German University (SGU) stands out as a beacon of opportunity for students aspiring to reach new heights. SGU’s commitment to providing a world-class education goes beyond the conventional, offering innovative programs that immerse students in international experiences and elevate their skills on a global scale.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog

Transformasi Konsumsi Rumah Tangga: Mengungkap Dampak Peralatan Hemat Energi terhadap Keberlanjutan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan di Ruang Hidup Modern

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the way we consume energy within our homes has a profound impact on the environment. With the advent of energy-efficient appliances, a significant transformation is underway, reshaping our household consumption patterns and fostering a sustainable future. These innovative appliances, designed with advanced technologies to minimize energy usage, are becoming the cornerstone of modern living spaces, offering numerous benefits for both homeowners and the environment.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Misc . SEE

Exploring Future Careers: SGU’s IT Program in AI and Data Science Offers Unprecedented Prospects

In the dynamic landscape of Information Technology, the focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science has become pivotal for shaping the workforce of the future. Swiss German University’s cutting-edge program in Information Technology specializing in AI and Data Science not only aligns with the current technological trends but also anticipates the workforce needs of 2025.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Exploring the Transformative Role of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology in Therapy and Rehabilitation: A Focus on Biomedical Engineering

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has emerged as a groundbreaking innovation, revolutionizing various fields, including healthcare and rehabilitation. In the realm of Biomedical Engineering, the study of VR technology’s application in therapy and rehabilitation holds immense promise.

By SGU Public Relation | BE . Blog . Misc

5 Ways to Make Attractive Presentations

Presentations are a way to convince clients or audiences of the message we want to convey. Presentations with clear points make it easy for the audience to understand the purpose and goals. A visually attractive presentation keeps the audience engaged and attentive to what you are presenting.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . GSC . Misc


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