Master of Information Technology: Data Science Business Informatics

In the dynamic landscape of information technology, the Master of Information Technology: Data Science Business Informatics program at Swiss German University (SGU) emerges as a beacon for aspiring professionals seeking cutting-edge expertise. With a focus on the interplay between data science and business informatics, this program at SGU is meticulously designed to equip students with the skills essential for navigating the complexities of contemporary technological environments. By seamlessly integrating theoretical knowledge with practical applications, the curriculum fosters a holistic understanding of information technology. SGU’s commitment to excellence ensures that graduates emerge not only as adept data scientists but also as strategic thinkers capable of leveraging technology to drive business success. Through a combination of rigorous academic training and real-world exposure, the program at SGU prepares students to meet the challenges of the ever-evolving IT landscape and emerge as leaders in the field.

Career Prospect

SGU Master Information Technology will enhance your career or capabilities either in advancing in the corporate ladder, IT specialization or building a networking opportunities as current lecturers, alumni and students are coming from various industries, including government, oil & gas, banking, media, insurance, e-commerce, startup, etc.

Mengapa SGU?

chat (1)

100% in English

mortarboard (1)

High Qualified Lecturer

hotel (1)

Industry-Oriented Curriculum

document (1)

Thesis Related to Current Work

lesson (1)

Compact Class

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Strategic location

pin (1) (1)

Diverse Alumni Network

pin (1) (2)

Short Study Periode

Why Is It Important?

Business informatics also helps organizations to modernize their operations and stay ahead of the curve. By automating manual processes, organizations can increase effciency, reduce errors and lower costs. In addition, business informatics plays a critical role in customer engagement. By utilizing advanced analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and their needs, and use this information to improve the customer experience.

However, to fully realize the benefts of business informatics, organizations must also have a strong focus on data governance and data management. This means ensuring that data is accurate, complete, and secure, and that it is properly managed throughout its lifecycle. Data science and business informatics are two closely related felds that are increasingly being used in tandem to drive business success. Data science is concerned with extracting insights and making predictions from data and algorithms, whereas business informatics is concerned with using information technology (IT) to support business processes and decision making. When these felds are combined, they provide organizations with the tools and insights they need to make data-driven decisions and improve business performance.

Strength Points

  • Designed to answer the current challenges in IT industries for both professionals and fresh graduates
  • Becoming digital transformation architect in cyber security, businessinformatics and digital innovation
  • Data Science enrich Master IT Program with three streams: Data Science Business Informatics, Data Science Cyber Security and Digital Innovation
  • Combining Data Science, IT Governance, IT Value and Risk Management, Enterprise Architecture, IoT and Cyber Security
  • Established in 2000 with 36 credits in 1.5 year study period(average)
  • Special discount for EC Council international certifcations
Biaya Kuliah

Tuition fee includes*: Lunch, snack, coffee/tea during coursework
Tuition fee excludes: Repetition exams, certifcation, books and graduation ceremony
Catatan: Payment for each semester has to be made at the latest 2 (two) weeks before next semester begins.
* Scholarship scheme is available after fulflling SGU terms and conditions
* Tuition installment available with SGU terms and conditions.

Biaya Kuliah

Tuition fee includes*: Lunch, snack, coffee/tea during coursework
Tuition fee excludes: Repetition exams, certifcation, books and graduation ceremony
Catatan: Payment for each semester has to be made at the latest 2 (two) weeks before next semester begins.
* Scholarship scheme is available after fulflling SGU terms and conditions
* Tuition installment available with SGU terms and conditions.




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Tentang SGU

SWISS GERMAN UNIVERSITY (SGU) was established in 2000 as a joint effort between Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. We are the pioneer in offering international curricula in Indonesia. Qualified students can graduate with a Double Degree from Indonesia and Germany, which SGU provides in cooperation with partner universities; surely a valuable tool for your future careers. Ever since its establishment, SGU has been dedicated to delivering quality education in line with international standards and aims to develop skilled professionals who meet the demands of the industry. In order to achieve its objectives, SGU offers quality-oriented learning through 16 Bachelor‘s Degree Programs and 6 Master’s Degree Programs ranging from Engineering, Information Technology, and Business to Life Sciences and Social Sciences. Furthermore, with small class sizes, and with English as the medium of instruction, you can look forward to pursuing your tertiary education and degree with full confidence.

Tentang SGU

SWISS GERMAN UNIVERSITY (SGU) didirikan pada tahun 2000 sebagai upaya bersama antara Indonesia, Jerman, Swiss, dan Austria. Kami adalah pelopor universitas yang menawarkan kurikulum internasional di Indonesia. Mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat dapat lulus dengan Gelar Ganda dari Indonesia (gelar sarjana) dan Jerman/Swiss (bachelor degree), yang disediakan SGU dengan partner universitas; hal ini tentunya menjadi hal yang berharga untuk karir masa depan Anda. Selengkapnya

Cari Tahu Lebih Lanjut

Tanya Jawab

Kapan kelas akan dimulai?

Kelas magister membuka penerimaan Februari dan Agustus.

Kapan jadwal kelasnya?

Saturday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM, Alam Sutera Campus

Saturday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM, Alam Sutera Campus

Saturday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM, Alam Sutera Campus

Bagaimana akreditasi SGU?

Akreditasi institusi adalah B
MA & MBA accreditation are A
MIT accreditation is A
MME accreditation is A

Berapa banyak mahasiswa dalam satu kelas?

Kami menggunakan metode kelas kecil untuk menekankan interaksi yang erat di kelas.

Siapa partner universitas SGU?

We are affiliated with SOLBRIDGE International School of Business in South Korea.

Siapa dosennya?

Dosen kami adalah PhD dari universitas terkemuka dari luar negeri dan Indonesia. Mereka juga memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun di industri.

Apakah kelas online tersedia?

Program master kami dapat diambil secara online dengan persyaratan minimal satu (1) kali kehadiran untuk setiap mata pelajaran.

Mengapa SGU?

  • Sebagai Institusi Pendidikan selama 20 tahun pengalaman, SGU terbukti mendidik alumni yang hebat dari institusi bergengsi.
  • Gelar ganda (double degree) internasional untuk program bisnis.
  • Masa studi singkat.
  • 100% Bahasa Inggris dalam proses pembelajaran.
  • Kurikulum berorientasi industri.

Apakah ada tes masuk?

Ya, kami memiliki tes masuk yang terdiri dari tes online (Tes Bahasa Inggris dan Logika selama 120 menit) dan Wawancara.

Apakah lintas jurusan dapat diterapkan?

Ya, kami tidak membatasi latar belakang pendidikan. Siswa kami berasal dari latar belakang yang beragam.