SGU Strengthens Collaboration with Hokkaido University

SGU Strengthens Collaboration with Hokkaido University

Swiss German University (SGU), established through collaboration between Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria in 2000, is the first university to offer a double degree curriculum with international partners. From the beginning, SGU has implemented an internationally recognized curriculum that emphasizes the importance of international and industrial experiences.

From its beginning, SGU has collaborated with academic and industry partners from Europe. in the recent years, SGU has also been strengthening its international collaborations in Asia, including with Hokkaido University in Japan. The collaboration between SGU and Hokkaido University that started in 2018 has brought significant benefits to both educational institutions. On the same year, two SGU lecturers were given the opportunity to deliver guest lectures at Hokkaido University. In the following year, SGU host Hokkaido University lecturers for research and teaching visit in Indonesia. Their success in delivering lectures and sharing knowledge has strengthened the relationship between the two institutions and fostered closer academic collaboration.

During the past 5 years of collaboration, three SGU students have graduated so far through co-advisory collaboration. Furthermore, this collaboration provides excellent opportunities for SGU students to participate in the study abroad program at Hokkaido University. To date, five SGU students have seized this opportunity to conduct part of their studies as exchange students at Hokkaido University. In its utmost belief in the importance of study abroad program, in Europe and now in Asia, SGU has provided its students the chance to broaden their horizons, learn about new cultures, and gain learning experiences in a different academic environment.

In an effort to further strengthen the existing collaboration, SGU Rector, Dr. rer nat Filiana Santoso, recently visited Hokkaido University on Monday, May 15, 2023. The visit was welcomed by two Vice Presidents of Hokkaido University, Prof. Atsushi Yokota and Prof Aya Takahashi, as well as the advisor to President of Hokkaido University, Prof. Kazunori Iwabuchi, highlighting the importance of this collaboration for both parties. The meeting provided an opportunity for both universities to discuss and plan for further collaboration in the future.

SGU’s achievements in strengthening its collaboration with Hokkaido University are a testament to its commitment to becoming a high-quality and influential international university. This is also one of the reasons why SGU has achieved the #1 ranking as the best private university in Indonesia according to Edurank 2023. SGU continues to demonstrate its efforts in expanding its presence in Asia, providing opportunities for students to develop their potential, and expanding its network of collaborations with educational institutions.