Brilliant Innovations Enhance the Quality of Life for Indonesians

Brilliant Innovations Enhance the Quality of Life for Indonesians

Tangerang, August 26, 2024 – Innovative solutions play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for Indonesians. With advancements in technology and science, innovation becomes the key to creating effective and sustainable solutions across various fields such as health, education, environment, and economy.

Innovation not only drives progress at the individual level but also contributes to broader economic growth and social development. By supporting and encouraging innovation, we can address various challenges and create a better future for Indonesia.

A tangible example of these innovative efforts is the research conducted by researchers at Swiss German University (SGU). Four SGU researchers successfully obtained patents from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia on August 21, 2024, for their innovative research results. This achievement demonstrates the importance of innovation as a solution to various issues faced by society today, from renewable energy to health and the environment.

These research projects not only make a significant contribution to science but also offer practical solutions that are affordable and accessible to the wider community. Here are some of the innovations that have been granted patents:

  1. Ethanol Purification for Renewable Energy
    • Dr. Irvan S. Kartawiria, S.T., M.Sc., developed a low-temperature ethanol purification technology used for renewable energy fuel. This technology enables the ethanol purification process at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius, far more efficient than conventional methods. This innovation has great potential in increasing the efficiency of ethanol fuel production that is more environmentally friendly and economical.
  2. Lemongrass Extract for Anti-Diabetes
    • Maria Dewi P.T Gunawan Puteri, M.Sc., Ph.D., focused her research on the use of concentrated lemongrass extract as an anti-diabetes ingredient. This research opens new opportunities for the development of health products, such as herbal drinks and traditional medicine, which can help control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. It offers a natural alternative that is easily accessible to the public.
  3. Plastic Recycling for Industrial Filters
    • Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo created a technology to recycle plastic bottles into specialized filters for industrial use. These filters can be used in water and chemical purification processes in factories. This technology not only supports plastic recycling efforts but also provides innovative and sustainable solutions for the industry.
  4. Economical Digital Microscope
    • Kholis Abdurachim Audah, M.Sc., Ph.D., developed a more straightforward and economical digital microscope technology. This microscope is capable of producing automatic digital images, making it an affordable alternative to similar, more expensive microscopes. This innovation is expected to increase the accessibility of digital microscope technology in educational and research institutions, especially in areas with limited resources.

The Rector of SGU, Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo, who also received a patent for his research, stated, “This achievement reflects the extraordinary dedication and creativity of our research team. These patents not only recognize our efforts in developing innovative technologies but also affirm our commitment to making meaningful contributions to society and industry. We hope these innovations will open new opportunities and provide broad benefits in the fields of economics, health, and education.”

The process to obtain these patents took about two years, including examinations and publications that required up to 18 months. During this process, the researchers were assisted by DJKI Banten Province, which provided mentoring forums to accelerate the examination process. With this assistance, revisions from the examiners could be completed in just one month, speeding up the steps toward commercialization and application of these technologies.

It is important to note that university-level research results from long-term efforts that require years of dedication. The innovations produced not only contribute to science but also have a broad impact on the economy, health, and education. These patents protect the inventions from unauthorized use and open new opportunities for commercialization and technology application.

With more innovative research gaining recognition and patent protection, it is hoped that more practical solutions will be created that are accessible to the wider community and positively impact everyday life.

Tentang Swiss German University

Swiss German University (SGU) adalah universitas swasta bertaraf internasional yang berdiri sejak tahun 2000 di Indonesia, menawarkan pendidikan berkualitas tinggi dengan menggabungkan sistem pendidikan Jerman, Swiss, dan Indonesia. Terletak di Alam Sutera, Tangerang, SGU memiliki 3 fakultas dengan 16 program studi Sarjana dan 3 program studi Pascasarjana di bidang Teknik, Teknologi Informasi, Bisnis, dan Ilmu Sosial. SGU berkomitmen menghasilkan lulusan kompeten dan berdaya saing global melalui kurikulum berbasis industri, penelitian inovatif, dan fokus pada kewirausahaan.