Certification Ceremony for Bela Negara Training Pogram

Certification Ceremony for Bela Negara Training Pogram

Tangerang, 30 January 2017 – SGU held a certification ceremony for all participants of the ‘Bela Negara’ training program. The program was conducted from 2nd to 4th December, 2016, at the ‘Bela Negara’ Centre of Education and Training at Cibodas, Rumpin, Bogor, and was joined by 60 students and 17 lecturers/supervisors from SGU. All participants received a comprehensive curriculum on ‘Bela Negara’ delivered by Indonesia’s finest nationalists.

The event was also attended by SGU Rector, Dr rer.nat Filiana Santoso; The Head of Education, Training and Exercise of the Ministry of Defense Indoensia, Major General TNI Hastind Asrin; Rector of UNSADA, Dr. H. Dadang Solihin, SE, MA.

The event kicked off with an opening speech by Dr Rer.nat Filiana Santoso, During her speech, the rector stated that as members of a university with an international culture, SGU students should not lose their sense of nationalism and this training was the best way to develop loyalty of today’s young generation to their country since SGU is a university that produces graduates with global competitiveness yet grounded in national values, committed to preserving the nation’s pride. 

Following the rector’s speech, the certification ceremony was conducted by Major General TNI Hastind Asrin, accompanied by SGU’s rector, handing out certificates to two students representing the 60 students who followed the program. This certificate proves that SGU students are dedicated to their country while striving to succeed internationally.