Check out New Respiratory Equipment for Covid-19 Patients! Easier for Medical Staff in Handling The Patients.
The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred especially in Indonesia, is undeniable that more and more people are affected by the virus. The government certainly has to think hard and take it seriously in dealing with this outbreak. Not to mention the health services that are owned by the country, with tens of thousands of people infected, are domestic health services sufficient enough to overcome the problem?
Not to mention the available medical devices, of course there are many limitations to dealing with this pandemic. Many new innovations have emerged, one of them is PreVent 2.0, a breathing apparatus that is able to study the respiratory conditions in patients suffering from Covid-19. This device can help medical staff in making ventilation work arrangements properly and correctly, especially the number of patients getting higher after the Eid period is over and the start of the New Normal era.
This ventilator is able to detect a patient’s deteriorating condition and will provide an early warning to be able to do the right and fast treatment. “This resuscitator type ventilator is needed to provide initial assistance to COVID-19 patients who experience shortness of breath or respiratory failure until a ventilator that matches the patient’s symptoms is available” said Leonard Rusli, Ph.D. as Chair of the Mechatronic Study Program at SGU. He also participated in the project of making this ventilator, by becoming the head of the project.
There are two setting modes can be used. First, there is the mode of mandatory respiration, used for patients who are in a state of respiratory failure. Second, there is an assist respiration mode, used for patients who experience conditions that can still breathe, but their breathing starts to weaken.
“The SGU mechatronics department is always trying to create an innovation to be a solution to a problem, that is what we want to give to help the country in handling this COVID-19 outbreak by making a ventilator that we named PreVent 2.0. later when Indonesia needs it, we hope this tool can help, “said Leo, in his written statement.
Smart ventilators made by children of this nation will soon be tested by authorized institutions so that they can be ascertained their compatibility with medical standards. It is hoped that the ventilator that was successfully created by SGU can be used in the near future by vanguard friends who are on duty in the hospital.
In making PreVent 2.0 there were several representatives from SGU who also took part in addition to Leo, it’s including Theresia Dyah Arum, S.T in charge of programming and controlling, Yohanes Freddy, M.D as mechanical design, and Nova Kristian, S.T who did the electronic design.
Besides creating a ventilator, SGU is also developing several other innovations. Among them, there is a digital thermometer that is connected directly with a smart telephone and can be attached to the telephone, till herbal innovations that function to destroy the COVID-19 virus in the patient’s body.
SGU has a handling assistance program related to COVID-19 which also includes a variety of social activities, including Providing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), hand sanitizers, package of basic needs, providing guest teacher in online classes held by high schools for free, and also various free online seminars. The information on community services can be accessed on the Swiss German University website,