August 16, 2022 - 3:30 pm
August 16, 2022 - 5:30 pm
The black elephant is a scenario that experts believe to be highly plausible and have extensively anticipated, but which goes unmentioned or unacknowledged. The black swan is an anomaly with considerable consequences. The very things we promote in our mission statements or long-term aims may be prohibited by any of them.
What is the current state of the black swan and black elephant phenomenon in engineering management?
?️: Tuesday, August 16, 2022
⏰: 3.30 PM – Jakarta Time (by Zoom)
Speaker: Dr. Ir. Gembong Baskoro, M.Sc.
Moderator: Dr. Dena Hendriana
Master of Mechanical Engineering
With Mechatronics and Engineering Management concentration.
February and August Intake
Online Class Available
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