Getting to Know the Effects of Taking Drugs #PelangMelawanNarkoba Start Now!

Getting to Know the Effects of Taking Drugs #PelangMelawanNarkoba Start Now!

People use drugs for many reasons: they want to feel good, stop feeling bad, or perform better in school or at work, or they are curious because others are doing it and they want to fit in.

Drugs excite the parts of the brain that make you feel good. But after you take a drug for a while, the feel-good parts of your brain get used to it. Then you need to take more of the drug to get the same good feeling.

Soon, your brain and body must have the drug just to feel normal. You feel sick, awful, anxious, and irritable without the drug. You no longer have the good feelings that you had when you first used the drug.

Actually, drug user can have a wide range of short- and long-term, direct and indirect effects. These effects often depend on the specific drug or drugs used, how they are taken, how much is taken, the person’s health, and other factors.

These are the effect of taking drugs illegally:

  1. Damaged immune system, which increases susceptibility to infection
  2. Cardiovascular conditions, including heart attacks and collapsed veins
  3. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
  4. Liver overexertion or liver failure: some drugs, such as statins (used to treat high cholesterol), can increase the levels of liver enzymes and cause liver damage.
  5. Seizures and strokes: A wide variety of illicit drugs induce seizure, such as phencyclidine (PCP), inhalants, cocaine, and psychostimulants.
  6. Widespread brain damage that can interfere with memory, attention, and decision-making, as well as permanent brain damage

The effect of drugs is no joking, it is important for us to understand the importance of staying away from drugs. Swiss German University believe we need to protect the younger generation from the dangerous of drugs. For that reason SGU fully support BNN in the momentum of HANI 2021 to start the War on Drugs campaign.