Protected: Entrance Test Result 10 March 2018
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Protected: Entrance Test Result 10 March 2018
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Hadapi Era Revolusi Industri Ke-4, Swiss German University Selenggarakan Simposium Bertaraf Internasional
Pembicara dan Moderator SGU International Symposium Towards Industry 4.0 (Kiri ke Kanan: Prof. Dr. Manfred Kiesel, Dr.-Ing Evita H. Legowo, Ibu Tatik Nurhayatiningsih dan Dr.Dr. Dipl Ing. Rachman Sjarief, MM., MH.) Jakarta, 10 Maret 2018 – Seiring dengan arus globalisasi dan era digital yang semakin tak terbendung, dunia kini memasuki era revolusi industri keempat yang
Facing the 4th Industrial Revolutionary Era, Swiss German University Holds an Internationally-Leveled Symposium
Along with the era of globalization and the increasingly unstoppable digital era, the world is also now entering the era of the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is a term referring to automation trends and the latest data exchanges in the industrial world. It is marked by the emergence of
Accounting Goes To Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
Kelompok Studi Pasar Modal (KSPM) Accounting Department – Swiss German University held an excursion to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Friday, 9 March 2018. This excursion was in collaboration with KSPM Tarumanagara University, the KSPM under same securities company as KSPM SGU, Sucor Securitas. Several agendas included viewing the opening market session, an introduction
Community Service Program Tourism Destination Development (Pandeglang – Anyer)
On Friday, 23rd February 2018, the Faculty of Business and Communication held a Community Service program at Tanjung Lesung Beach, Desa Tanjung Jaya, Kecamatan Panimbangan, Pandeglang. Attending this event were several representatives from Swiss German University, local government officers and members of the local community. The attendees from SGU included: Dr. Nila K. Hidayat, SE.,
SGU Donation For The Orphans In Cisauk
In February 2018, the representatives of SGU Library and Facility Management gave a donation to the two orphans whose father died in an accident near the SGU campus in BSD, Tangerang in 2011. This donation was one of SGU’s commitments to fulfill one of the three elements of “Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi”, which is community
Prevent Plagiarism In Swiss German University By Using Turnitin Software
The issue of plagiarism in Indonesia, especially regarding the academic environment, was first raised many years ago. Yet, with plagiarism still being widespread in Indonesian universities it shows that there is misconduct of honesty and integrity. In other words, plagiarism is an ethical violation of integral academic principles from students and lecturers. With this in
Chairman of SGU Board of Patronage Along With SGU Rector Visited FH Südwestfalen, Soest, Germany
As part of the strong collaboration between Swiss German University (SGU) and FH Südwestfalen for more than 15 years, Chairman of SGU Board of Patronage, Mr. Chris Kanter and SGU Rector, Dr. rer. nat. Filiana Santoso visited FH Südwestfalen in Soest, Germany. Mr. Kanter and Dr. Filiana were welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of Soest,