Dena Hendriana, B.Sc., S.M., Sc.D.
Lecturer of Master of Mechanical Engineering
Education Background:
- Ph.D – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- MSc – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- BSc – Northeastern University, USA
Research Interest:
- Renewable energy
- Conversion energy
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- General Mechanical engineering
- Automotive
- Heat transfer
- Fluid dynamics
Teaching Area:
- Engineering Statics
- Kinematics and dynamics
- Strength materials
- Machine dynamics
- Research methodology
- Dena Hendriana, Tommy Firmansyah, Joga Dharma Setiawan and Dodi Garinto, “Design and Optimization of Low Speed Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine using OpenFOAM”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No 21, November 2015.
- Powell, R., Hendriana, D., Gutzeit, B., Golsch, K. et al., “Direct Aeroacoustic Simulation of Flow Impingement Noise in an Exhaust Opening,” SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems 4(2):961-969, 2011, doi:10.4271/2011-01-1517.
- Lepley, D., Senthooran, S., Hendriana, D., and Frazer, T., “Numerical Simulations and Measurements of Mirror-Induced Wind Noise,” SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems 2(1):1550-1562, 2009, doi:10.4271/2009-01-2236.
- Bradley D. Duncan, Sivapalan Senthooran, Dena Hendriana, Pradeep Sivakumar, David Freed, Mark E. Gleason, “Multi-Disciplinary Aerodynamics Analysis for Vehicles: Application of External Flow Simulations to Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Thermal Management of a Pickup Truck”, Document Number: 2007-01-0100, April 2007.
- Sivapalan Senthooran, Bradley D. Duncan, David Freed, Dena Hendriana, Robert E. Powell, John Nalevanko, “Design of Roof-Rack Crossbars for Production Automobiles to Reduce Howl Noise using a Lattice Boltzmann Scheme”, Document Number: 2007-01-2398, May 2007.
- Hendriana D., Sovani S.D., and Schiemann M.K., “On simulating passenger car side window buffeting,” Paper no. 2003-01-1316, SAE world congress, Detroit, MI, March 3-6, 2003.
- Sovani S.D. and Hendriana D. “Predicting passenger car window buffeting with transient external aerodynamic simulations”, Proceedings of the tenth annual conference of the computational fluid dynamics society of Canada, Windsor, Canada, 2002.
- Hendriana D. “Side window buffeting analysis for a passenger car using Fluent”, Fluent user conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 2002
- Hendriana D. and Bathe K.J., “On a parabolic quadrilateral finite element for compressible flows”, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, vol. 186 (2000) pp. 1-22.
- Bathe K.J., Hendriana D., Brezzi F. and Sangalli G. “Inf-sup testing of upwind methods”, International journal for numerical methods in engineering, vol. 48 (2000) pp. 745-760.
- Hendriana D. and Bathe K.J. “On upwind methods for parabolic finite elements in incompressible flows”, International journal for numerical methods in engineering, vol. 47 (2000) pp. 317-340.
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