Dr. -Ing. Evita H. Legowo
Coordinator of Sustainable Energy and Environment
She started her career in the Research & Development Center for Oil & Gas Technology “LEMIGAS”, on March 1974. She became the first Director for the R&D Center for Renewable Energy and Electric Power Technology, for the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Republic of Indonesia, on 2001. She continued her career to be the first woman Director of the R&D Center for Oil & Gas Technology “LEMIGAS”, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources between 2002 and 2006. Following, she became Assistant to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for Human Resources and Technology from 2006-2008. She was also the first woman to become Director General for Oil and Gas, at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in 2008 -2012. In 2010-2013 she became a member of the Board of Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero).
After her retirement as Government Official, she worked at the Swiss German University (SGU) to establish a new Study Program of Sustainable Energy and Environment and became a lecturer there until today. Starting from 2013 up to now, she is the President Commissioner of PT Kaltim Methanol Industry, and an Independent Commissioner of PT DSS Energy and Infrastructure. She was the Supervisory Board of Indonesian Petroleum Association in 2016-2019. Recently she was appointed to be the Chairwoman of Supervisory Board of Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency of Indonesia.
Education Background
Dr.-Ing. Evita H Legowo received her Sarjana Degree in Chemistry from the Bandung Institute of Technology on February 1974, while her Doctorate in Engineering came from the Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany, majoring in Petroleum Chemistry in February 1991.