
Gunawan Zuardi, M.T, M.Sc

Gunawan Zuardi, M.T, M.Sc

Lecturer of Industrial Engineering



I give the lecture of enterprise information system and entrepreneurship subjects to the industrial engineering students.


I have a skill, expertise, and experience in internet of things (IOT), focused on how digital and information technology can reduce the fertilizer, improve the harvest, and maintain the soil fertility for a long term. Meanwhile, I also have experience in techno entrepreneurship, digital business, digital marketing, so I can help and support the incubation of student startup business.

Education Background

  • Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering from Atma Jaya catholic university, 1987 – 1992.
  • Master degree of Information technology from Swiss German University, 2000 – 2002.

Knowledge Field

  • Enterprise information system
  • Internet of things
  • Entrepreneurship

Research Interest:

Internet of Things (IOT) for Agriculture

Teaching Area:

  • Enterprise information system
  • Entrepreneurship


  • PT. Inovasi Telematika Nusantara, CEO
  • CV. Inovasi Teknologi Digital Desa, CEO
  • Koperasi Data Pangan Nusantara, Ketua


Alam Sutera Campus:
The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera, Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat. No. 15, RT.003/RW.006, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143

Phone: +6221 2977 9596/9597
Fax +6221 2977 9598


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