SAT MENWA SGU Tribute Three Trophies

SAT MENWA SGU Tribute Three Trophies

Satuan Resimen Mahasiswa Swiss German University (SAT MENWA SGU) successfully won 3 (three) trophies from 5 (five) trophies contested in the National Shooting Competition 2017, held by Resimen Mahasiswa Mahawarman Batalyon IV/Gab Kompi B Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA) on April 16, 2017, at the shooting range of Detasemen B, Brimob, Cikole, Lembang. This event attended by the members of Ikatan Alumni Resimen Mahasiswa Indonesia (IARMI), public parties, and participants from more than 20 universities all over Indonesia.


<img alt="First three trophies to be obtained by SAT MENWA SGU” class=”size-medium wp-image-11892 wp-caption aligncenter” height=”225″ src=”×225.jpg” width=”300″ title=”” style=”” />First three trophies to be obtained by SAT MENWA SGU&lt;/strong&gt;

SAT MENWA SGU is one of the student organizations that aim to cultivate the spirit of Bela Negara in SGU campus environment. This student organization sent 18 members to participate in the National Shooting Competition 2017 qualification, which 8 people registered for individual shooting competitions and 2 teams for team shooting competitions. The weapon used in this competition was assault rifle SS1 V1 by Pindad.

It was a glorious achievement for SAT MENWA SGU because had successfully won 3 trophies; the first winner for individual category by Reischaga Mohajit (2nd Semester student of Informatics and Technology), second winner for individual category won by Dr. Ir. Gembong Baskoro, M.Sc (SGU lecturer also as Komandan Satuan (Dansat) MENWA SGU and the Dean of Faculty of Engineering and IT), and the first winner for shooting qualification obtained by Sesarius Egi Budiman (8th semester student of Mechatronics Engineering).


Left to right: Reischaga, Mr. Gembong, Egi as the winners

With these achievements, SAT MENWA SGU was expected for professional shooters to be born from SGU and also encourage the soul of nationalism and patriotism among the civitas academica and students in particular.