SGU Supports the Development of Mangrove-Based Green Economy in Tangerang Regency

SGU Supports the Development of Mangrove-Based Green Economy in Tangerang Regency

Tangerang, July 27, 2024 – Mangrove-based green economy plays a crucial role in preserving the environment and enhancing community welfare. Mangroves help mitigate climate change by serving as natural protectors against coastal erosion, habitats for various marine species, and strong carbon absorbers.

In Tangerang Regency, the development of a mangrove-based green economy has become a primary focus to enhance environmental sustainability and local economic growth. Swiss German University (SGU) actively supports the Tangerang Regency Government through research and collaboration to optimize the potential of mangroves in various aspects of the green economy.

Over the past few years, SGU has partnered with Tangerang Regency Government in coastal area management programs. Researchers from SGU have conducted in-depth studies on mangroves in the coastal areas of Tangerang Regency, covering both ecological and economic aspects. The goal is to find innovative ways to utilize mangroves sustainably.

On July 26, 2024, SGU played a significant role in the Sarasehan Bakau 2024 event organized by Tangerang Regency Government to commemorate World Mangrove Day. SGU represented the academic community, responding to the speakers and emphasizing its commitment to assisting Tangerang Regency Government in developing a mangrove-based green economy.

This event also marked an important moment for signing a cooperation declaration among various parties to establish the Asia Pacific Mangrove Study Center in Tangerang Regency. SGU participated in the signing of this declaration as an academic representative.

Dr. H. Ujang Sudiartono, Head of Regional Planning And Development Agency of Tangerang Regency (Bappeda Kabupaten Tangerang), stated, “The Tangerang Regency Government collaborates with various parties, both academic and private, to develop the Asia Pacific Mangrove Study Center in Tangerang Regency, and SGU is one of the stakeholders involved.”

Key speakers at the event included the Head of Bappeda Kabupaten Tangerang, Dr. H. Ujang Sudiartono, ST, MT, who discussed Blue Economy Policy and Gerbang Mapan (Coastal Community Development Movement), and the Head of PKSPL-IPB University, Prof. Dr. Yonvitner, who discussed the Development of Ketapang Urban Aquaculture. The event also featured ideas from various community groups, such as :

  • Mrs. Dahliana (Queen of Green Mussels/Ratu Kerang Hijau)
  • Mr. H. Heru (Cangkir Island Mangrove)
  • Mr. Tata (Karanganyar Mangrove Community)
  • Mr. Guntur (Tanjung Burung Mangrove)
  • Mr. Bima and Mr. Ogong (Margamulya Mangrove Community)

Representatives from SGU who attended the event were Tabligh Permana, S.Si, Head of Community Development and Commercialization, and Kholis Abdurachim Audah, M.Sc, Ph.D, a mangrove researcher at SGU.

“We at SGU have long researched the potential of mangroves for food, medicine, and cosmetics. We also collaborate with Tangerang Regency Government for thematic mangrove planting, making these mangroves beneficial not only to the environment but also as commercial products that impact the socio-economic conditions of the community. This effort aligns with our global vision, and we involve students in this research so they can contribute to global issues,” said Kholis Abdurachim Audah, an international mangrove researcher from SGU.

With this active participation, SGU hopes to continue strengthening collaboration with Pemkab Tangerang and other parties to achieve shared goals in preserving the environment and improving community welfare through the sustainable use of natural resources.

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SWISS GERMAN UNIVERSITY (SGU) was established in 2000 as a joint effort between Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. We are the pioneer in offering international curricula in Indonesia. Qualified students can graduate with a Double Degree from Indonesia and Germany, which SGU provides in cooperation with partner universities; surely a valuable tool for your future careers. Ever since its establishment, SGU has been dedicated to delivering quality education in line with international standards and aims to develop skilled professionals who meet the demands of the industry. In order to achieve its objectives, SGU offers quality-oriented learning through 16 Bachelor‘s Degree Programs and 6 Master’s Degree Programs ranging from Engineering, Information Technology, and Business to Life Sciences and Social Sciences. Furthermore, with small class sizes, and with English as the medium of instruction, you can look forward to pursuing your tertiary education and degree with full confidence.