Students of SMA Madania Bogor Visited Swiss German University
On Thursday, March 24, 2014, around 150 prospective students from SMA Madania Bogor visited Swiss German University (SGU) in order to get a firsthand view of SGU. The visit was warmly welcomed by Ms. Christie Kanter, Director of Communication of SGU as well as all SGU staff.
The students from grades 11 obtained necessary information related to study programs in SGU during the Faculty Session. The students were introduced to the three faculties in SGU, which are Business Administration & Humanities, Life Sciences & Technology, and Engineering & IT. They were given knowledge of all study programs, including what they will learn in each study program as well as possible career prospects.
After they all received general information related to SGU from the Director of Communication of SGU the students were divided into 2 groups according to their majors. For the social stream they had a photography workshop from the Communication and Public Relations Faculty and for the science stream they had a workshop from the Life Sciences & Technology Faculty.
Before the visit ended, one of the students of SMA Madania Bogor said that she was happy to visit SGU because she had been given such valuable knowledge and information related to campus life and she now had a reference to choose majors.