


SGU Held FGD on Indonesia Maritime Potential

Indonesia as a country with a vast sea area, has the high maritime potential of industry to a defense, but has not been explored well. Described as maritime country, Indonesia has not been able to maximizing the utilization of this potential. Based on this condition, Swiss German University felt the need to explore more into

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Swiss German University Generates Innovative Leaders in the Age of Industry 4.0 (Graduation Ceremony 2018)

Jakarta, 22 September 2018 – As the first international university in Indonesia founded in 2000, Swiss German University (SGU) proudly held its 15th Graduation Ceremony. The Graduation Ceremony for 301 undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Business and Communication, and Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology is

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Action and Donation for Palu and Donggala

As we are all aware that a big earthquake and tsunami occurred in Palu and Donggala on Friday, 28 September 2018, a big number of victims and people lost their homes and family members. Therefore, in order to help our sisters and brothers, we would like to invite all of us to participate in helping

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Workshop in Digital Marketing & Taxation for SGU Business Incubator Tenants

Swiss German University Business Incubator Department under the Directorate of Academic Research & Community Services held the Digital Marketing Strategy and Financial & Taxation Issues workshops to all tenants appointed by Kementerian Riset, Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI). The workshops took place on 28 September 2018 at SGU Kuningan campus, South Jakarta. During the workshops,

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Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 2018

Rosa Belinda, Amanda Jehan Pramastiani, and Gabriella Ienanto, students from SGU’s Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology presented their scientific research entitled “Modifikasi Pyrogallol Dan Tersier-Butil-Hidrokuinon Dengan Asam Palmitat Sebagai Aditif Biodiesel” during the Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 2018 at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta on 28 August 2018 – 2 September 2018

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Food Technology Student Won 3rd Place in International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Biotechnology (ICoFAB) 2018

One of SGU’s Food Technology students, Falencia Edrina Chandra, has won the third place in Oral Presentation category during the International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Biotechnology (ICoFAB) 2018. The conference was conducted by Faculty of Technology, Mahasarakham University, Thailand, on August 30-31, 2018. Falencia presented her project entitled “The Development of Rice Substitute Product Using

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SGU Information Technology Student is through to the National Level for “Mahasiswa Berprestasi Kopertis 2018”

Swiss German University is so proud for the achievement of an SGU students in the Election of Excellent Student of Private Universities in Kopertis. Reischaga Mohajit, who is often called Schaga, has successfully got into the top 15 in the Kopertis IV level and successfully brought himself to the top 8 finalist who will advance to the

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