
Food Technology


Unraveling the Wonders of Culinary Technology in Food Technology Programs

The intersection of culinary arts and technology has given rise to a fascinating realm within Food Technology programs. As students delve into the intricacies of this discipline, they find themselves on a journey that not only explores the traditional aspects of cooking but also integrates cutting-edge technology to enhance and revolutionize the culinary experience.

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Food Technology Student Won 3rd Place in International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Biotechnology (ICoFAB) 2018

One of SGU’s Food Technology students, Falencia Edrina Chandra, has won the third place in Oral Presentation category during the International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Biotechnology (ICoFAB) 2018. The conference was conducted by Faculty of Technology, Mahasarakham University, Thailand, on August 30-31, 2018. Falencia presented her project entitled “The Development of Rice Substitute Product Using

By SGU Public Relation | News

Food Technology Student Won 3rd Place in International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Biotechnology (ICoFAB) 2018

One of SGU’s Food Technology students, Falencia Edrina Chandra, has won the third place in Oral Presentation category during the International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Biotechnology (ICoFAB) 2018. The conference was conducted by Faculty of Technology, Mahasarakham University, Thailand, on August 30-31, 2018. Falencia presented her project entitled “The Development of Rice Substitute Product Using

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The Extraordinary Amazing Race in 2017

The Student Association of Food Technology (SAFT) of Swiss German University organized an event called “Amazing Cooking Race 2017” last November which used “Indonesian Fusion Food” as the theme. This concept was chosen as a way to reignite the passion of young people for local cuisine. The event enabled those present to learn how to

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Another Award Received by SGU Lecturer

During the 3rdInternational Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources (FANRes 2017) held by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), one of SGU Food Technology’s lecturers, Mutiara Pratiwi S.TP, M.Si came out as the Best Oral Presenter. Team of SGU Food Technology Department with the Chairman of FANRes 2017 Organizing Committe, (Left to right): Della Rahmawati S.Si,

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Food Technology Department of Swiss German University and the IPB Team Represent Indonesia at IPSFAB 2017

The Faculty of Technology Mahasarakham University (MSU) Thailand organized the 4th International Postgraduate Symposium on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IPSFAB) on August 30 – 31st 2017. On this special occasion, the Food Technology study program of Swiss German University (SGU) and the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) became the Indonesian representatives attending the International Symposium at

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Food Nutrition Event Series 2017

The Advantages of Nutritional Food Consumption for Young and Elderly Generation in Indonesia Food Nutrition Event Series 2017 is an annual project held by fourth semester students of Food Technology study program of Swiss German University (SGU). Besides as a main program from Food Nutrition Class, this event series is also a form of SGU

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Manfaat Mengkonsumsi Makanan Bergizi Bagi Generasi Muda dan Lansia Indonesia

Mahasiswa Swiss German University tingkatkan kesadaran gizi lewat rangkaian kegiatan peduli nutrisi dan kesehatan bagi balita sampai manula   Tangerang, 16 Juni 2017 – Makanan yang sehat dan bergizi tinggi merupakan asupan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh manusia baik dari usia balita hingga manula. Berdasarkan laporan Global Nutrition Report Independent, kondisi gizi 17,8 persen anak

By SGU Public Relation | Press Release

SGU Lecturers Have Proven a Quality of Professionalism by Winning a First Place in Dosen Berprestasi Tingkat Kopertis Wilayah IV

Regarding the implementation of "Kegiatan Pemilihan Dosen Berprestasi Tingkat Kopertis Wilayah IV Tahun 2016" on April 18-19, 2016 by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia, Swiss German University would like to congratulate Maria Dewi P.T. Gunawan Puteri, S.T.P., M.Sc., Ph.D. for winning first place in Dosen Berprestasi Tingkat Kopertis

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