The Spirit Of Nationalism And Patriotism For The Internationally-Oriented Young Generation

The Spirit Of Nationalism And Patriotism For The Internationally-Oriented Young Generation

Tangerang – August 17, 1945 is one of the most historic dates for the people of the Republic of Indonesia. On that day, Indonesia declared independence and freedom from colonialism as well as the beginning of the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Therefore, every August 17, our nation commemorates the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia.

Unfortunately, over time, the meaning of the proclamation has faded. Advances in technology (digital era) and penetration of international related ideals in the era of globalization and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) have now eroded the spirit of nationalism and patriotism of the young generation, who are the successors of the nation.


Realizing this, Swiss German University as a pioneer of an international curriculum and double degree program in Indonesia that is recognized by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), would like to foster and develop the spirit of nationalism and patriotism in each student, lecturer and staff member, who were part of the values embraced by the institution through the implementation of the flag-raising ceremony, held at Swiss German University campus, BSD City, Tangerang, Banten. It is conducted to prepare graduates who will compete in the international workplace by upholding loyalty to their homeland, exhibiting the spirit of nationalism and patriotism.


SGU Rector, Dr. rer. nat. Filiana Santoso said that, "Swiss German University is committed to advancing education in Indonesia while creating graduates who can make Indonesia’s proud in international industry. However, in creating these graduates, we also instill the values ​​that we consider very important for the younger generation. One of them is loyalty. We are determined to create graduates who are dedicated not only to the alma mater of course, but also to the nation."

In addition to SGU students, lecturers, and staff; also attending the flag-raising ceremony and celebration of the 71st anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia were the members of Swiss German University Foundation, Student Regiments of several campuses in Indonesia, and representatives of SGU partner companies and organizations.