University-based Start-up Business-Technology (Calon Perusahaan Pemula Berbasis Teknologi) – Kemenristek DIKTI

University-based Start-up Business-Technology (Calon Perusahaan Pemula Berbasis Teknologi) – Kemenristek DIKTI

University-based start-up business-technology is one of Dikti’s annual programs. It aims to encourage the universities in Indonesia to become the agents of economic development in the country focusing on technology-based innovation that benefits the community as well as develops entrepreneurial skill among the lecturers and the students.


Since 2016, The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) has had a policy in the form of grants for community service which focuses to develop technological innovation products through CPPBT-PT Program. Initially, the CPPBT-PT program was intended to encourage product development of technological innovations which were already in the prototype phase and in the process to the pre-commercial (tested) phase that could lead to mass production. This was named technological readiness level or TRL. In addition to this, grants were provided in the fields of Information and Communication Technology, Defense and Security, Energy, Transportation, Food and Health, Medicine, Raw and Advanced materials.


The Academic Research Center is a research and community service institution in SGU which provides the implementation of activities in social, science and technology to participate in the CPPBT-PT program. There are 520 project proposals submitted to Kemenristekdikti and 120 project proposals were accepted including three project proposals from SGU namely, Kaldu Nabati Berbahan Baku Tempe Semangit by Maria D.P.T Gunawan Puteri, Ph.D, CardioLine – Mini EKG Pendeteksi Dini Serangan Jantung Dengan Teknologi Health 2.0 by Aulia Arif Iskandar, MT and, Vinity.ID – Influencer Web Data Analitics Berbasis Kecerdasan Tiruan dan Data Mining by James Purnama, S.Kom, M.Kom.