Visit of Delegations From Unika Atma Jaya

Visit of Delegations From Unika Atma Jaya

On Friday September 4, 2015 Swiss German University warmly welcomed delegations from Unika Atma Jaya, Institut fuer Kommunikation und Interkulturelle Kompetenz (IKIK, Switzerland), Tjitra Association and Zurich Insurance. The visit was hosted by Vice Rector of SGU, Mr. Edward Boris Manurung, ME. 

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During the visit, discussions were held on how to initiate and develop academic cooperation. Experiences were also shared both in academic fields as well as practical work of the students,  in particular, internships. Unika Atma Jaya was represented among others by Dr.phil. Juliana Murniati and Prof. Dr. Hana Panggabean. IKIK was represented by Prof. Dr. Stefan Kammhuber. Prof. Dr.phil. Hora Tjitra represented Tjitra Association and Mrs. Rialita Lubis was one of the representatives from Zurich Insurance.