Author: SGU Public Relation


Faculty of Life Sciences & Technology’s Participation in an International Conference

The Dean of Life Sciences & Technology (LST,)  Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Samuel Kusumocahyo, LST lecturer Ir. Paulus Gunawan, M.M, and Gerald Justin Goenawan, S.T., B.Eng, were invited by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Taiwan to give presentations at the International Conference on “Future Healthcare and Economic Development in Southeast Asia 2017” in August, in Tainan City,

By SGU Public Relation | News

Food Technology Department of Swiss German University and the IPB Team Represent Indonesia at IPSFAB 2017

The Faculty of Technology Mahasarakham University (MSU) Thailand organized the 4th International Postgraduate Symposium on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IPSFAB) on August 30 – 31st 2017. On this special occasion, the Food Technology study program of Swiss German University (SGU) and the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) became the Indonesian representatives attending the International Symposium at

By SGU Public Relation | News

Executive View : Semangat Berbagi Charles Lim bersama Indonesia Honeynet Project

Artikel ini pertama kali terbit di majalah InfoKomputer Edisi Agustus 2017 dengan judul "Semangat Berbagi". Sejak enam tahun lalu pria ini gigih mendorong komunitas yang ia pimpin untuk terus berkarya. Impiannya sederhana: memberikan kontribusi bagi bangsa ini. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles". Melalui

By SGU Public Relation | Blog

SGU Usung Program Pembentukan Karakter dalam PKKMB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Swiss German University (SGU) mengangkat tema "Strong and United" dalam pelaksanaan Program Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus (PKKMB). Program ini menitikberatkan pada pembentukan karakter dari para mahasiswa baru agar tidak hanya menjadi individu yang mandiri saja, tetapi juga peduli dan hormat terhadap sesama. "Sebagai bagian dari generasi global, para mahasiswa baru akan menghadapi berbagai

By SGU Public Relation | Press Release

Gelar PKKMB, SGU Gandeng BNN Bangun Karakter Mahasiswa

SGU gandeng BNN gelar PKKMB – Program Pengenalan Kampus bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) sangat diperlukan dalam menyiapkan mahasiswa baru sebelum memasuki kehidupan kampus. Meskipun, sebelumnya kegiatan ini seringkali di identifikasikan dengan ajang perpeloncoan dari para senior di kampus. Untuk itu, perguruan tinggi bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan kegiatan PKKMB dengan program yang dapat menanamkan pendidikan karakter dasar

By SGU Public Relation | Press Release

Convocation Ceremony and Orientation Day of the Second Cohort Class (Industrial Engineering) under an Academic Cooperation between PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk, SGU, and Polytechnic Gajah Tunggal

The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT), in particular the study program of Industrial Engineering Swiss German University (SGU), held a Convocation Ceremony to welcome the second cohort of student of the cooperation between PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk., SGU, and Polytechnic Gajah Tunggal on Saturday, 12th of August 2017 at the SGU campus. The

By SGU Public Relation | News

“Civitas Academica” of Swiss German University paid a visit to the underground of Jakarta MRT Project

Civitas Academica of Swiss German University (SGU) consisting of 20 persons representing SGU's Student Regiment Alumni (IARMI), SGU's Student Regiment (MENWA), Heads of Study Program, lecturers, and students paid a "special field trip" visit to the underground of the Jakarta MRT Project on August 3, 2017. The purpose of this "field trip" visit was to

By SGU Public Relation | News

Food Nutrition Event Series 2017

The Advantages of Nutritional Food Consumption for Young and Elderly Generation in Indonesia Food Nutrition Event Series 2017 is an annual project held by fourth semester students of Food Technology study program of Swiss German University (SGU). Besides as a main program from Food Nutrition Class, this event series is also a form of SGU

By SGU Public Relation | News

Swiss German University, Pancasila University, and Darma Persada University Cooperate to Overcome Problems of the Nation

In the framework of the 72nd anniversary of Indonesian independence this coming August 17, 2017 under the theme of "Indonesia Work Together" with the motto of "Cooperation" and "Gotong Royong", Swiss German University (SGU), together with Pancasila University (UP), and Darma Persada University (UNSADA) on Monday July 24, 2017 synergy their excellence in order to assist

By SGU Public Relation | News

Another Trophy from SGU Student Regiment

The Student Regiment Unit of Swiss German University (SAT MENWA SGU) won the first prize in Pistol (Non-IPSC) Team Shooting Championship in Active MENWA category at Sports and Achievement Week of Student Regiment 2017. This championship was held by SKOMENWA Jayakarta on May 25, 2017 to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Commanding Staff of Student

By SGU Public Relation | News


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