Biomedical Engineering Excursion to BPFK Jakarta

Biomedical Engineering Excursion to BPFK Jakarta

On 23rd March 2015, Biomedical Engineering students from semester 2 and 4 accompanied by Fuad Ughi M.T.; Ir. Arko Ph.D.; and Muhammad Fathony, Ph.D., went to BPFK Jakarta, Balai Pengamanan Fasilitas Kesehatan Jakarta for an excursion. The objective is to introduce the students about the importance of calibration and safety control of medical instruments and hospital facilities.

BPFK is a government institution which conducting safe guarding health facilities, covering infrastructure facilities and medical equipments through testing, calibrating, and radiation protection in public and private environments.

During the visit, the students learnt how to calibrate several health instruments which used by hospitals in Indonesia. They learnt how to test and calibrate facilities and health infrastructures based on mass, temperature, pressure, and electricity. Besides that, BPFK is responsible for security and measurement of Radiation exposure, also serve monitoring radiation doses.