


Fermentation: The Science behind Food Transformation

Food fermentation is a food processing technology that utilizes the growth and metabolic activity of microorganisms for the stabilization and transformation of food materials. Nowadays, fermented foods and beverages are becoming increasingly popular. Fermented foods have been part of the human diet for centuries, and were initially produced as a way to preserve foods, improve

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Data Analytics in Our Daily Life

Analytics is there in every aspect of our life. Without their realization, we use analytics to resolve problems faced in their daily life. Many of our daily activities and much of our decision-making are the results of an analytical process. Analytics is not a tool or a technology, more than that, it is a way

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Food Packaging: The Key to Protect Your Food

Look around the grocery stores and supermarkets – you will find that every food product has its own type of packaging. When you stand in front of the shelves in a supermarket, food packaging also attracts  your attention right?, and it plays an important role in shaping your food choice behavior. For customers, food packaging

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What The Medical World Would Be Without These Guys?

Biomedical engineering combines electronic, mechanical, chemical, as well as materials engineering with the medical fields such as medicine, biology and molecular biology. It is one of the most complex branches of engineering. Earning a biomedical engineering degree can literally help you change the world because biomedical engineers have developed a number of life-enhancing and life-saving

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All You Need to Know About Green Hotel!

Sustainability is key of the hospitality industry in the future!   The hospitality industry has historically had a dramatic environmental impact on the environment through energy and water consumption, and use of consumable goods. This proof evidently, that the hotel sector puts increased pressure on the environment and is demanding on the natural resources. And

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Ways to Simply Save The World

 The earth is warming dangerously as this current period of warming is occurring more rapidly than any past events. Climate change involves not only rising temperatures, but also extreme weather events, rising sea levels, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, and a range of other impacts. Climate change threatens the safety of billions of people on

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SGU Bionic Arm Help People with Disabilities to Work

SGU Bionic Arm Help People with Disabilities to Work Have you ever heard about bionics? Bionics hands, arms, legs or whatever it is? If you have not knowing about it, let us get jump to this article. The term ‘bionics’ was first used in the 1960s. It combines the prefix ‘bio’—meaning life—with the ‘nics’ of

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Discover Types of Accounting!

Decide what type suits you best When you think of an accountant, what do you picture? Tax? Audit? Actually, the fact is that the accounting field is full of variety, with multiple accounting types, accounting terms, and accounting systems available. Multiple types of accounting careers exist within the financial industry, with each performing a differing

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Made By SGU: SGU Researcher Found Potential Anticancer Drug From Indonesian

Mangrove; Xylocarpus Granatum Leaves Ethyl Acetate Extract Mangroves are salt-tolerant plants that grow on brackish coasts and seawater systems. Considered to be a cornerstone species, mangroves produce secondary metabolites which helped them thrive on both freshwater and marine systems, as well as provide a habitat for many living beings. In Indonesia, mangroves are a very

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How does The Restaurant serve During The Pandemic?

Back then, a restaurant is one of the favorite things for many people. It is where couples enjoy a date night, families celebrate a baby born, and communities gather on many occasions. But since the lockdown worldwide due to the coronavirus, the restaurant is starting to fade away. The global pandemic forces restaurants to close,

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