
Dr. Ir. Heru Purnomo Ipung, M.Eng


My Professional Development, Experiences and Academic Teaching have been in the area Enterprise Architecture and Information System in General where I conduct several subjects related to those mainly at Swiss German University – Asia.

My Current Personal and Research Interests on the implementation of IT in the area of Environment which specifically in the area of Machine Learning / AI, Computer Vision and AI Sensor Fusion.


  • Independent IT Consultant and Advisor (2010 – now)
  • Swiss German University – Researcher and Lecturer in Information Technology (2010 – now)
  • Swiss German University – Head of Research Center of Technology and Innovation (2014 – 2020)
  • Swiss German University – Head of Information System Services (2010-2015)
  • Accenture Indonesia – Enterprise Architecture Lead/Various Technology Consulting Leads / Experiences (1995 – 2009)

IT Professional Experiences in:

    • IT Strategic Planning, Policy Development and Enterprise Architecture
    • Technology Architecture
    • Application Architecture and Software Engineering
    • Government Resources Planning and Government Institution Experiences
    • AI Research and Project

Education Background

  • Doctor in Computer Science, (ITS Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya)
  • Master of Engineering in Information Technology (RMIT, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia)
  • Ir., Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering (ITS Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya)

Knowledge Field

  • Professional Fields: Enterprise Architecture, IT Valuation, Digital Transformation, IoT and Sensor.
  • Technology Research and Development Fields: Artificial Intelligence and Sensors Fusion, Simulation and Modeling, Multispectral Imaging, and Computer Vision.

Research Interest:

  • Professional Research Interest: Enterprise Architecture, IT Valuation, Digital Transformation, IoT and Sensor Technology
  • Personal Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence and Sensors Fusion, Simulation and Modeling, Multispectral Imaging, and Computer Vision

Teaching Area:

  • Current and Past Undergraduate:
    1. System Analyst and Design, Software Engineering, Enterprise Intelligence (ERP, BI and beyond), Human-Computer Interaction / Interaction Design
    2. System Thinking, Simulation, and Modelling
    3. Various related System Information
  • Current and Past Graduate Courses:
    1. Enterprise Architecture, IT Investment, and Valuation
    2. Data Architecture, Management, and Governance
    3. IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Sensors Fusion
    4. IT Services
    5. Various related System Information


  • Continous Research:
    1. Various research on AI and Sensor Fusion at SGU – Swiss German University (Click here)
    2. Doctoral Research on AI Sensor Technology (2015-2018)

Professional Certifications:

  • IT Architect (BNSP)
  • SITAP – Sistem Informasi Teknologi Arsitektur Planning
  • ITIL

Course Description beside syllabus:

  • IT Valuation and Investment  (Click here)
  • Digital Transformation – MIT (Click here)
  • Enterprise Architecture for Business Transformation (Click here)


Alam Sutera Campus:
The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera, Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat. No. 15, RT.003/RW.006, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143

Phone: +6221 2977 9596/9597
Fax +6221 2977 9598


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