SGU Hosts EXCONIC FEST 2023: Shaping Game Changers Through Exploration, Connection, and Impact

SGU Hosts EXCONIC FEST 2023: Shaping Game Changers Through Exploration, Connection, and Impact

Saturday, November 11, 2023, Swiss German University (SGU) once again organized the EXCONIC FEST under the theme “Explore, Connect, Impact: Nurturing You as The Game Changer.” This innovative event reflects SGU’s commitment to providing not only excellent and globally oriented education but also fostering the positive transformation of its students’ characters.

With a focus on exploration, connection, and impact, EXCONIC FEST has a mission to empower students to become Game Changers capable of making a difference in their respective fields.

In her address, Ms. Nila Krisnawati expressed SGU’s long-standing commitment to providing globally standardized education. This commitment is evident from the moment perspective students join SGU, as seen through programs like the Global Youth Program, where students will embark on a journey to Japan in December.

Attended by approximately 23 students from Cikal Harapan BSD and 10 online registrants, along with parents and teachers, EXCONIC FEST November edition featured workshops by LEMON8, various booths showcasing flagship products from study programs, the Diversity International program, and Campus life.

The EXCONIC FESTIVAL was further enriched by the signing of a collaboration agreement between Swiss German University (SGU) and the Kanaan Christian School Foundation. The agreement was formalized by Mr. Samuel P. Kusomocahyo, SGU’s Rector, and Mr. Jamial Salim Konpo, the Director of the Kanaan Christian School Foundation.

SGU extends its gratitude for the contributions, support, and prayers from the entire academic community, including deans, program heads, teams, student organizations, and students. Their collective efforts ensured the success and smooth execution of the EXCONIC FEST November 2023 edition.