SGU Receives Prestigious Award for Economic Catalyst Role in Tangerang Regency

SGU Receives Prestigious Award for Economic Catalyst Role in Tangerang Regency

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 – marked a momentous day for the Swiss German University (SGU) family as the institution was honored with an Award Certificate from the Tangerang Regency Government. SGU was recognized as a key contributor to the economic development of Tangerang Regency in 2023, specifically in the Higher Education category.

The accolade reflects SGU’s tangible commitment to aiding Indonesia’s economic growth, particularly within Tangerang Regency. The university’s initiatives, including the Digitalization of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) during the pandemic, assistance for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa), Coastal Area Planning, and the Development of Outstanding Products, were acknowledged and celebrated.

Mr. Samuel P Kusomocahyo, in his address, emphasized SGU’s vision of becoming an International Education Center globally recognized. He underscored the importance of SGU playing a central role in its local community, stating that maintaining SGU’s role in Tangerang Regency is crucial to realizing the university’s overarching vision.

Mr. Tabligh Permana, Head of Community Service, affirmed that SGU’s initiatives in stimulating the economy of South Tangerang align with one of the focal points in the university’s Strategic Plan (Renstra) for Community Empowerment. He expressed the university’s commitment to actively contribute to the socio-economic development of the region, showcasing SGU’s dedication to being a positive force for change beyond the academic realm.