Benefit Kuliah Di Luar Negeri Ini Patut Anda Pertimbangkan
Benefit yang didapat sesudah menyelesaikankuliah di luar Negeri bersifat jangka panjang, salah satu keuntungan dari kuliah di luar Negeri ialah memiliki program studi yang lebih luas, termasuk pilihan penelitian dan pelatihan berbasis keterampilan untuk siswa. Selain itu, kuliah di luar Negeri juga menjadi kesempatan untuk bertemu teman baru dari berbagai latar belakang suku dan budaya
3 Jurusan Kuliah Ini Kerap Jadi Primadona Bagi Calon Mahasiswa Baru!!
Jika Anda pergi atau hendak masuk ke suatu universitas, yang pertama terlintas di benak Anda ialah memilih jurusan kuliah yang akan diambil. Saat ini, ada berbagai macam jurusan kuliah / program studi yang ditawarkan beberapa universitas Negeri ataupun Swasta di banyak daerah yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Anda dapat melakukan research terlebih dahulu mengenai
Universitas Negeri Atau Swasta? Pelajari Perbedaannya Biar Nggak Salah Pilih
Bagi para siswa yang baru saja selesai menempuh Sekolah Menengah Atas, sudah saatnya menentukan pilihan yang menentukan arah hidup anda kedepannya. Apakah Anda hendak langsung bekerja atau kuliah?Pernahkah Anda merasa dilema atau bingung ketika hendak memutuskan masuk ke suatu Universitas?karenaada sangat banyak universitas saat ini yang bisa dijadikan pilihan. Maka dari itu, Anda tidak bisa
Jurusan Kuliah Bisnis di 3 Universitas Swasta Ini Memiliki Akreditasi A
Ketimbang menjadi karyawan di perusahaan-perusahaan tertentu, generasi muda saatini lebih tertarik untuk membuka bisnis atau usahanya sendiri. Makadari itu, jurusan kuliah bisnis saat ini tengah banyak diminati kalangan mahasiswa. Lulusan Administrasi bisnis nantinya akan mengikuti jalur karier yang mirip dengan pendanaan dengan prospek masa depan menjanjikan. Siswa yang sudah lulus nantinya akan termotivasi dan siap
International Culinary Business Program
As one of the leading business sectors in Indonesia, and backed by attractive target consumers (a large number of middle-income people and millennials), culinary is a sector with a bright future in the Indonesian market. The market has become increasingly interested in the ‘foodie’ scene, with a desire to try new cuisines and dining concepts.
Guest Lecture: Virtual Private Server (VPS) Configuration for Web Hosting
The development of Information Technology (IT) in every aspect has been very fast. IT has also changed and influenced many, if not all, parts of our lives. The rapid development of IT requires that many tools and methods used in developing applications must also adapt. One such tool is the Software Development Life Cycle method,
Guest Lecture: How Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Smart Contract Will Eat the World
Currently, blockchain technology has been growing rapidly and many industries have been starting to implement this technology as a solution to their company’s problems, or even using blockchain as a new breakthrough in increasing their company’s competitive advantage. Therefore, blockchain technology should be learned early at the higher education stage in order to prepare the
Business Accounting Department Collaborates with IDX and Sucor Securitas in the Market Outlook Seminar
As part of the strong relationship between Swiss German University and Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and Sucor Securitas, the Business Accounting department held a Market Outlook seminar on Saturday, 15 December 2018 at SGU The Prominence Tower Campus Alam Sutera. This event attended by the current and potential investors in SGU. During the event, there
IBEF 2018: Strengthening Indonesia’s Economy through Millennial Entrepreneurs as the Game Changer
The Swiss German University Student Business Association (SBA) and Business Administration Study Program held the International Business Entrepreneurship Festival (IBEF) 2018 on 24-25 November 2018. This 8 th IBEF took place at the Glasshouse, Living World Mall, Alam Sutera Tangerang with the theme of “Strengthening Indonesia’s Economy Through Millennial Entrepreneurs as the Game Changer:” IBEF
Alumni’s Talk Session: Road to Being World Class Engineer
Swiss German University Industrial Engineering Study program held an Alumni’s Talk session with the theme of “Road to Being World Class Engineer”, presenting successful SGU Industrial Engineering alumni from various industries and institutions. The event was held on Saturday, 15 December 2018 at SGU The Prominence Tower Campus, Alam Sutera. There were three alumni of