SGU and Bappeda Tangerang Regency Join Forces to Boost Local Economy through Product Innovation
Tangerang, September 4, 2024 – Swiss German University (SGU) and the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Tangerang Regency have established a strategic partnership to drive regional economic growth by developing local products such as mangroves, candlenut oil,
Bridging Knowledge and Curiosity : SGU Lecturer Leads Launch of New Food Science Books to Engage and Educate
Saturday, August 24, 2024, during the Socialization of Undergraduate Education Standards in the Field of Food Science & Technology and the Launching of the 2024 PATPI Books organized by the Indonesian Association of Food Technologist (PATPI), several important books were launched.
Brilliant Innovations Enhance the Quality of Life for Indonesians
Tangerang, August 26, 2024 – Innovative solutions play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for Indonesians. With advancements in technology and science, innovation becomes the key to creating effective and sustainable solutions across various fields such as health, education, environment, and economy.
SGU Invites International Students to Experience Indonesian Culture Through Culture Trip 2024 Tangerang, August 31st , 2024
Swiss German University (SGU) has once again organized one of its annual events, the SGU Culture Trip 2024, as part of its commitment to introducing the richness of Indonesian culture to international exchange students.
Building a Stronger Cybersecurity Community : Highlights from the Cybersecurity Seminar & Workshop 2024
The National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) and Swiss German University (SGU), in collaboration with the Center for Digital Forensics Studies (PUSFID) at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), organized the Cybersecurity Seminar & Workshop: Enhancing Incident Response Readiness & Collaborative Strategies on August 28-29, 2024.
Penelitian di Swiss German University Berbuah 4 Hak Paten, Ada Mikroskop Digital Ekonomis
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Sebanyak empat peneliti dari Swiss German University (SGU) berhasil mendapatkan hak paten atas inovasi yang mereka hasilkan dari empat penelitian berbeda. Keempatnya berasal dari bidang energi terbarukan, kesehatan, teknologi lingkungan, dan digital.
Positive Technologies partners with Indonesian University SGU to boost Cybersecurity education in Moscow
The conclusion of the first Positive Hack Camp in Moscow marked a significant milestone in global cybersecurity education, as Positive Technologies announced a strategic partnership with SGU, a leading technical university in Indonesia.
Empat Peneliti SGU Raih Hak Paten dari DJKI, Inovasi Tingkatkan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Indonesia
TRIBUNTANGERANG.COM, TANGERANG – Empat peneliti dari Swiss German University (SGU) berhasil memperoleh hak paten dari Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual (DJKI) Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI pada 21 Agustus 2024 atas hasil penelitian mereka yang inovatif.
Empat Peneliti SGU Raih Hak Paten dari DJKI, Inovasi Tingkatkan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Indonesia
KOTA TANGERANG, LENSABANTEN.CO.ID – Inovasi solutif memegang peran kunci dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Dengan kemajuan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan, inovasi menjadi solusi efektif dan berkelanjutan di berbagai bidang seperti kesehatan, pendidikan, lingkungan, dan ekonomi.
Empat Inovasi SGU Raih Paten: Solusi Cerdas untuk Tantangan Indonesia
KOTA TANGERANG, LENSABANTEN.CO.ID – Inovasi solutif memegang peran kunci dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Dengan kemajuan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan, inovasi menjadi solusi efektif dan berkelanjutan di berbagai bidang seperti kesehatan, pendidikan, lingkungan, dan ekonomi.