
Author: SGU Public Relation


The Participation of SGU Team on the Centralized Debriefing of Indonesia’s Military Teachers/Coaches

On 25th February 2015, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) at Swiss German University (SGU), Dr. Ir. Gembong Baskoro, M.Sc., accompanied by Dr. Dr. Rachman Sjarief, Dipl.-Ing, MM, MH, Mr. Yap Hong Gie, and Dena Hendriana, BS., SM, Sc.D, attended the centralized debriefing of Army Military Teachers/Coaches at Cimahi, Bandung. Debriefing session

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A Visit from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Lampung University (FISIP UNILA)

On February 25, 2016 the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Lampung University (FISIP UNILA) visited Swiss German University (SGU). Twenty representatives from FISIP UNILA were warmly welcomed by the Director of Cooperation, Dr. rer. nat. Maruli Pandjaitan, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Humanities, Prof. Dr. Eric J. Nasution, Fiter Abadi,

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Collaboration between SGU and STIE Wiyatamandala

On February 22, 2016 Swiss German University received a visit from STIE Wiyatamandala. The Chairman of STIE Wiyatamandala, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiarto, M.Sc., and his team including Januar Wahjudi, S.Kom, M.Sc., and Fongnawati Budhijono, SE, M.Si were warmly welcomed by the SGU Rector, Dr. rer. nat. Filiana Santoso, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

A Visit from Commsult AG

On February 11, 2016 the IT Department of Swiss German University was visited by the representative of Commsult AG, Germany. During the visit at SGU campus, Mr. Michael Buschner was warmly welcomed by Dipl.-Inf. Kho I Eng, Dr. Maulahikmah Galinium, S.Kom., M.Sc., and James Purnama, M.Sc from the IT study program. The main objective of

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Seminar on Green Touchable Nanorobotic Communication and Sensor Network

On February 10, 2016 – The Academic Research and Community Services (ARCS) Directorate of Swiss German University (SGU) successfully held a seminar on Green Touchable Nanorobotic Communication and Sensor Network at SGU Campus, BSD City, Tangerang. This half-day seminar was a collaboration between SGU and South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC). The

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Surat Tanggapan Swiss German University

Jakarta, 4 Februari 2016 – Menanggapi tulisan yang telah beredar di internet sehubungan dengan keberadaan Swiss German University sebagai institusi pendidikan dan kapasitasnya dalam melaksanakan jasa pendidikan, maka dapat kami sampaikan surat tanggapan resmi dari pihak kami mengenai tulisan tersebut. Dalam tulisan terkait dapat kami sampaikan bahwa pernyataan di dalam tulisan tersebut disampaikan oleh sumber yang

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Company Visit to PT Pratama Abadi in Alam Sutra

Tangerang, 29th January 2016 – The Faculty of Business Administration and Humanities and Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of Swiss German University visited PT Pratama Abadi (the manufacturer of NIKE, sport shoes) in Alam Sutra on 29th January 2016. The Faculty of Business Administration and Humanities was represented by Dr. Rachman Sjarief, and Fiter Abadi, MBA

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

A Visit to Industrial Engineering Department of University of Indonesia

On January 27, 2016 six academic staff (lecturers) of Industrial Engineering Department of Swiss German University (SGU) including Dr. Tanika Goddess Sofianti, S.T., M.T., Ir. Triarti Saraswati, M.Eng., Ir. Setijo Awibowo, MM,  Ir. Invanos Tertiana, MBA, Kirina Boediardjo, ST, M. Eng., and Ezra Mandira Sugandi, B.Eng., S.T., visited the Industrial Engineering Department of University of

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Seminar on Green Touchable Nanorobotic Communication and Sensor Network

Swiss German University proudly presents a FREE seminar on Green Touchable Nanorobotic Communication and Sensor Network. For more info, please contact [email protected]  

By SGU Public Relation | Berita