


How Can Artificial Intelligence Make You More Comfortable Shopping Online?

Have you ever gone to a fast-food restaurant that offers free payments if their service exceeds one minute? This method is one of the company’s tricks to provide customer satisfaction. This method also spurs fast-food restaurant workers to provide faster service. Customer satisfaction is an important point in increasing sales or service. To get it,

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

How SGU with Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara Play a Role in Tackling Cyberattacks?

Swiss German University invented a Cybersecurity Dashboard that can detect and map cyberattacks in an area. This Research continues to be developed every year and has been implemented by Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) to detect cyberattack threats in Indonesia. The Security Dashboard can tell us how many cyberattacks have attacked an area within

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3 Professions Related to Big Data That are Needed in the Next Five Years

Have you ever used social media advertising features to promote your product? Or after you use Google to search for product information, suddenly the product ad appears on your social media feed? Facebook, Instagram, and other social media take advantage of the big data of internet users they have to place advertising services. Not only

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The Future of Startups During Covid 19 Pandemic

Startups have become an increasingly popular business model in the last five years. Moreover, several Indonesian start-ups officially hold unicorn status because they have a valuation of more than $ 1 billion. The six unicorns are Gojek, Traveloka, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, OVO, and JD.id. The rapid growth has even attracted the interest of the Indonesia Stock

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How Artificial Intelligence Contributes to Healthcare Industry?

Artificial intelligence has helped many industries to operate their daily activities, including healthcare. Technological developments have helped experts to provide services more effectively and efficiently. Four AI implementations in healthcare: Medical Diagnosis The diagnosis of a disease has an important role in determining the medical action to be performed on the patient. Misdiagnosis is fatal

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How SGU’s Curriculum Generates Many Startups?

Startups are considered to have an important position in contributing to a country’s economic growth. They have the potential to increase employment, utilize local resources, and eliminate geographic or distance constraints. However, the startup business does not only depend on how sophisticated the technology is used. You must be able to do management, look for

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Is Artificial Intelligence Set to Replace Accountants in the Future?

Technology makes some accountant functions replaceable with software. We only need to input data or transactions in the system, then the accounting process runs automatically until it takes the form of financial reports. Artificial intelligence takes accounting software to the next level. By using the cloud, we can be more flexible in accessing data anywhere.

By SGU Public Relation | ACC . Blog . IT . Misc

CHARLES LIM, Cyber Security Expert Whose Passion is to Build Secure Digital System Defending Against Cyber Crime

In the digital era, data has become a very important asset. Many digital crimes are committed by stealing and misusing data, such as bank account burglary, or health manipulation cases that can threaten someone’s life. Cybersecurity is needed so that the protection of the government, corporate, and personal data can be maintained. Therefore, qualified IT

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc . Study Program . Study Program IT

800 Millions Workers in The world Could Be Displaced by Automation in 2030

Did you know that as many as 400 million to 800 million workers in the world could be displaced by automation in 2030? (Mc Kinsey Report, 2017) The digital revolution demands all social components, both society, business, and government, to adapt immediately. They perform a digital transformation, namely a process to convert various information from

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