

Huawei Gandeng Poltek SSN Bahas Tata Kelola Data dan Keamanan Siber

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Penyedia solusi TIK terkemuka Huawei berkolaborasi dengan Politeknik Siber dan Sandi Negara (SSN) menggelar konferensi ilmiah berskala internasional membahas tata kelola dan keamanan data, kriptografi, serta keamanan siber bertajuk “International Conference on Cryptography, Informatics and Cyber security (ICoCICs) 2023”.

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Universitas Swiss German dan Masata Kolaborasi Bangun Sektor Wisata di Tangsel

TANGERANG SELATAN – Dalam upaya meningkatkan potensi sektor pariwisata dan kreatif industri di Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) , Masyarakat Sadar Wisata (Masata) berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Swiss German. Kolaborasi bertujuan membangun sinergitas pentahelix dalam mengembangkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas tinggi di sektor pariwisata dan kreatif industri serta memajukan kepariwisataan Tangsel.

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Swiss German University (SGU) became one of the participants at the Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo on 23 and 24 August 2023

Swiss German University (SGU) became one of the participants at the Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo on 23 and 24 August 2023 at the Grand Ballroom, JIEXPO Convention Center, Kemayoran, Jakarta.

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Forging a Path to Digital Excellence: The Strategic Collaboration Between SGU and PIDI 4.0 for Global Manufacturing Transformation

On Monday, August 14th, 2023, a momentous event took place at the prestigious Aston Bogor Hotel. Swiss German University (SGU) took a giant leap forward as it entered into a significant partnership, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Center for Digital Industry Indonesia 4.0 (PIDI 4.0), represented by Dr. Nila Krisnawati Hidayat, SE., MM. the Vice Rector for non-Academic Affairs of SGU, and Drs. Masrokhan, MPA., CGCAE, the Head of the Human Resource Development Agency for the Industrial Sector, Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia (BPSDMI, Kemenperin).

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

SGU reignites collaboration as “A Journey Together” for dreamful learning

This was further realized through an SGU mini gala on Friday, themed “A Journey Together.” The event serves as a token of appreciation to all that have been continuously supporting and collaborating with SGU to provide a distinctive learning experience.

By SGU Public Relation | Berita . Press Release

SGU Welcomes BPOM Visit to FLST Lab: Advancing Natural Dye Research Commercialization of Bunga Telang

Tangerang, 5 Juni 2023 – Swiss German University (SGU) was honored to welcome a visit from the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) at the 2nd floor of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology (FLST). The visit was specifically related to the commercialization of research conducted by Dr. Ir. Abdullah Muzi Marpaung, MP, a highly esteemed Lecturer of Food

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

SGU Alumni Sharing Session 2023: Inspiring Insights from Chandni Vasandani, Accomplished Alumni of the Global Strategic Communication Program

Tangerang, 15 May 2023 – On May 15, 2023, Global University School (SGU) proudly presents the SGU Alumni Sharing Session. This event serves as a platform for SGU alumni to share their experiences and insights with current SGU students.

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

Design Thinking Workshop at IPEKA BSD

Tangerang, 18 April 2023 – On Tuesday, 18 April 2023, Industrial Engineering department lecturers (represented by Mrs. Tanika Sofianti and Mr. Ivan Kurniawan) with Industrial Engineering Semester 8 (IE2019) students had a workshop at IPEKA BSD Christian High School about Design Thinking.

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

DW Goes to Campus SGU Bahas Solution Journalism

Tangerang, 4 Mei 2023 – Menciptakan konten digital yang dapat menarik banyak audience tidak dapat dicapai hanya dengan kreatifitas. Di lain hal, dibutuhkan pengalaman dan pendidikan yang menunjang produksi sebuah digital konten. Melihat pentingnya pendidikan dalam menunjang hal ini, program study Global Strategic Communication SGU yang bekerjasama

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

Awareness terhadap Implementasi Teknologi Industri 4.0, Program Teknik Industri Swiss German University Gelar Workshop Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry

Tangerang, 16 Maret 2023 – Dengan pesatnya perkembangan dunia industri yang ditandai dengan mulainya berlangsungnya era Industri 4.0, “Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry”, menjadi salah satu topik yang banyak dibahas untuk meningkatkan kinerja industri di Indonesia. Dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan effectiveness atas implementasi dan manfaatn dari Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry, Program studi Teknik Industri (Industrial Engineering) Swiss German University, berkolaborasi dengan pihak pengelola PIDI 4.0, PT. Andal Wahana Sinergi (AWASIN) dan Techsource Systems menggelar workshop “Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry” pada Rabu dan Kamis, 15-16 Maret 2023. Acara ini diselenggarakan di Gedung Pusat Industri Digital Indonesia 4.0 (PIDI4.0) yang merupakan fasilitas milik Kementrian Perindustrian Indonesia, di Jl. Raya Kby Lama, No 41, Permata Hijau, Jakarta Barat.

By SGU Public Relations | Berita


Kampus Alam Sutera
The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera, Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat. No. 15, RT.003/RW.006, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143

Telepon: +6221 2977 9596/9597
Fax +6221 2977 9598
