Five-Year, Fast-Track Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program: Swiss German University and University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC) Collaboration

Five-Year, Fast-Track Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program: Swiss German University and University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC) Collaboration

Tangerang, 14 November 2022. Representing Swiss German University’s continued pioneering role in developing and implementing international/global curricula and degree programs along with our commitment to continually foster key partnerships, SGU has established a collaboration with University of Missouri on behalf of University of Missouri–Kansas City, opening a 5-Year, Fast-Track, combined Bachelor’s and Master’s degree Program.

This occasion was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday, November 14, 2022, in a hybrid event at the Prominence Tower of Swiss German University in Tangerang. The event was attended by the then Rector of Swiss German University, Dr. rer. nat. Filiana Santoso, Vice Rector, Academic, Dr. Irvan Setiadi Kartawiria, S.T., M.Sc., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Maulahikmah Galinium, S.Kom, M.Sc, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology, Dr. Hery Sutanto, S.Si., M.Si., Dean of the School of Science & Engineering at UMKC, Prof. Kevin Truman, and the Director of the International Office at UMKC, Ms. Huan Ding.

This newly offered program integrates both undergraduate (S1) and master’s (S2) studies. SGU students can now enroll in a 5-year, fast-track program with a 3+1+1 structure: three years of study at SGU, one year of undergraduate study at UMKC, and one year of master’s study at UMKC. Participants who successfully complete the program are awarded a Bachelor’s degree from SGU and a Master’s degree from UMKC.

This collaboration represents Swiss German University’s commitment to continually foster partnerships, particularly to enhance the quality of education and to advance technological and scientific knowledge.

The University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC) is the largest university in the Kansas City region, offering a total of 125 academic disciplines to provide its students with opportunities to build global careers, including through the School of Science and Engineering (SSE).

Tentang Swiss German University

SWISS GERMAN UNIVERSITY (SGU) was established in 2000 as a joint effort between Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. We are the pioneer in offering international curricula in Indonesia. Qualified students can graduate with a Double Degree from Indonesia and Germany, which SGU provides in cooperation with partner universities; surely a valuable tool for your future careers. Ever since its establishment, SGU has been dedicated to delivering quality education in line with international standards and aims to develop skilled professionals who meet the demands of the industry. In order to achieve its objectives, SGU offers quality-oriented learning through 16 Bachelor‘s Degree Programs and 6 Master’s Degree Programs ranging from Engineering, Information Technology, and Business to Life Sciences and Social Sciences. Furthermore, with small class sizes, and with English as the medium of instruction, you can look forward to pursuing your tertiary education and degree with full confidence.

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Public Relations – Swiss German University
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