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Awareness terhadap Implementasi Teknologi Industri 4.0, Program Teknik Industri Swiss German University Gelar Workshop Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry

Tangerang, 16 Maret 2023 – Dengan pesatnya perkembangan dunia industri yang ditandai dengan mulainya berlangsungnya era Industri 4.0, “Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry”, menjadi salah satu topik yang banyak dibahas untuk meningkatkan kinerja industri di Indonesia. Dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan effectiveness atas implementasi dan manfaatn dari Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry, Program studi Teknik Industri (Industrial Engineering) Swiss German University, berkolaborasi dengan pihak pengelola PIDI 4.0, PT. Andal Wahana Sinergi (AWASIN) dan Techsource Systems menggelar workshop “Applied Artificial Intelligence in Industry” pada Rabu dan Kamis, 15-16 Maret 2023. Acara ini diselenggarakan di Gedung Pusat Industri Digital Indonesia 4.0 (PIDI4.0) yang merupakan fasilitas milik Kementrian Perindustrian Indonesia, di Jl. Raya Kby Lama, No 41, Permata Hijau, Jakarta Barat.

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi SDM Di Tanah Air, SGU Berkolaborasi dengan PIDI 4.0 Gelar “Learning Innovation in Digital Era: Seminar and Competition”

Dengan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi pangan, teknik pengawetan pun semakin berkembang. Saat ini telah berkembang teknik pengawetan non-thermal (tanpa suhu tinggi)

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

Sgu Welcomes Klabat University to Have a Comparative Study Between The Institution

On Monday 2023, Swiss German University had the chance to procure a meeting between Swiss German University’s lecturers and board of director with University of Klabat, Lecturers and also their rector to

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

Ekplorasi Potensi Teknologi Web3 untuk Membangun Bisnis Masa Depan, Program Studi Teknologi dan Informasi SGU Gelar Seminar “Technopreneurship in the Blockchain and Web3 Era”

Tangerang, 3 Maret 2023 – Evolusi teknologi dimasa depan akan terus berkembang seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia di dunia dan akhir-akhir ini muncul topik baru yang menghebohkan para ahli di bidang teknologi, yaitu Web 3.0. Web 3.0 disebut-sebut merupakan evolusi lanjutan yang memiliki empat fitur utama.

By SGU Public Relations | Press Release

Belajar Teknik Pengawetan Terkini, Mahasiswa Food Technology SGU berkunjung ke Re.juve Indonesia

Dengan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi pangan, teknik pengawetan pun semakin berkembang. Saat ini telah berkembang teknik pengawetan non-thermal (tanpa suhu tinggi)

By SGU Public Relations | Press Release

SGU Masuk “Klaster Utama” Menurut Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi

Kemeterian Riset dan Teknologi/Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional meluncurkan hasil penilaian kinerja penelitian perguruan tinggi 2023, yang menyatakan bahwa SGU meraih “Klaster Utama” berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Riset, Teknologi, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nomor 0241/E5/DT.06.01/2023 tanggal 28 Februari 2022

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

SGU Welcomes the Vice Rector of IRKUTSK State University Siberia to Broaden the Spirit of Academic and Science Collaboration

On the 28th of February 2023, Swiss German University had a chance to be the host of a campus visit with the Irkutsk State University from Siberia, Russia.

By SGU Public Relations | Berita

Keeping Productive During the Holidays

Classes are out and its holiday time! With plenty of free time, it’s easy to just choose to lay in bed and watch movies all day. While you probably deserve that, it’s important to stay productive during the semester break. Here are some meaningful things you can do to make your days worthwhile. Complete your
By SGU Public Relations | Blog . BM . Misc

Identifying Your Primary Learning Style and Why It’s Important

Have you ever wondered why you digest information easier through different methods? Well, that has got to do with your primary learning style. There are primarily four in which you might prefer learning by seeing (visual), learning by hearing (auditory), learning by reading and writing (read/write), or learning by doing (kinesthetic). When it comes to
By SGU Public Relations | Blog . BM . Misc

Let’s Get to Know 5 Types of Mother Sauce

Mother Sauce is basic sauce that serves as a base sauce to use in making other variations of the original sauce. Initially perfected by the French, all sauces are now universally categorized into one of 5 groups of sauces serving as a base or foundation for others sauces and referred to as the Grand or
By SGU Public Relations | Blog . ICB . Misc


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