SGU’s FLST Ignites Innovation with Technopreneurship Exhibition Day

SGU’s FLST Ignites Innovation with Technopreneurship Exhibition Day

Friday, November 17, 2023, the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology (FLST) at Swiss German University (SGU) hosted the “Technopreneurship Exhibition Day,” a dynamic event integral to the MBKM entrepreneurship project. The day unfolded with insightful talk shows featuring industry partners such as Re-Juve, Qalori (Obayashi-Japan), and PT. Biops Agrotekno. Additionally, the event included the announcement of the winners of the Food Product Development project for fifth and seventh-semester Food Technology students.

Simultaneously, crucial agreements were formalized during the event. The Faculty of Life Science and Technology, PT Java Food Pairing, and the Faculty of Business and Communication signed a collaboration agreement. Another significant partnership was forged between the Faculty of Life Science and Technology and PT Sewu Segar Primatama (Re-Juve). This collaboration places a strong emphasis on research and product development projects, involving the Food Technology program and the Hotel and Tourism Management program.

This collaboration goes beyond the FLST’s Food Technology program, extending its reach to involve the Hotel and Tourism Management (HTM) program from the Faculty of Business and Communication (FCB). The partnership aims to drive research and development initiatives for products, menu consultation, and the expansion of product variants.

Mr. Yosman, the Dean of FCB, expressed hope that this collaboration would enhance the quality of faculty research and bring positive impacts to the business community by generating innovative products born from the synergy between academia and industry. The event exemplified SGU’s commitment to bridging the gap between education and industry, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration.