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Practical Uses of Studying Sustainable Energy & Environment in Everyday Life

Our current world concern is how life can continue on a sustainable basis. This mainly refers to the fact that fossil fuels are predicted to run out in 2060 and the world temperatures continue to rise. Not to mention, this is also compounded by the fact that for the past centuries many industries are not

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program SEE

LS Night to Farewell Dinner

Here are some pictures taken during the LS Night, an annual event held by the students from the Life Sciences and Technology Faculty. It is an event to welcome the 7th semester students who have just came back from Germany and a farewell party for the 5th semester students who will depart for their study

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

SEE Gathering Session SGU's exchange students

The Sustainable Energy and Enviroment (SEE) department held a gathering session between SGU’s exchange students from our join-degree university partner, EAH Jena, Germany and the fifth semester SEE students who will be leaving to Germany for internship. The German students shared about their country, culture, foods & beverage, and especially some fun tips on how

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 2018

Rosa Belinda, Amanda Jehan Pramastiani, and Gabriella Ienanto, students from SGU’s Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology presented their scientific research entitled “Modifikasi Pyrogallol Dan Tersier-Butil-Hidrokuinon Dengan Asam Palmitat Sebagai Aditif Biodiesel” during the Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 2018 at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta on 28 August 2018 – 2 September 2018

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

Sustainable Energy and Enviroment (SEE) Students Go to Germany!

The day that all SEE students from the 5th semester have been waiting for since day 1 joining SGU has come! Our 5th semester students from SEE (Sustainable Energy & Environment) concentration are leaving to Germany for their internship program. They will conduct the internship program in Germany for 1 year (5th and 6th semester)

By SGU Public Relation | Berita

SGU Excursion with Prof. Schirmer, Head of Study Program of Environmental Technology and Development at EAH Jena

The Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE) Study Program of Swiss German University (SGU) went on  an excursion on Java Island from 25th to 30th October 2017. This excursion was led by Dr. Matthias Guenther, Head of Research Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. The occasion was the visit of Prof. Matthias Schirmer, the Head

By SGU Public Relation | Berita