SGU Gaspro Racing Team Achieved Second Double Podium in Eshark ROK Cup 2017
SGU Gaspro Racing Team once again gives their best performances in Eshark ROK Cup 2017. In the second round of this competition, they won two victories in two different categories. In a race that was held on Sunday, February 26, 2017, SGU team Gaspro Racing Team participate in Universities Gearbox class as well as the
SGU Holds Seminar & Dissemination Grant Research KEMENRISTEKDIKTI 2017
Tangerang, February 21, 2017. Swiss German University or SGU holds Seminar & Dissemination Grant Research KEMENRISTEKDIKTI 2017, arranged by The Directorate of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of SGU. This event devided into to main session: Seminar on Research Results Funded by KEMENRISTEKDIKTI 2016 KEMENRISTEKDIKTI and Socialization of Research Grants by KEMENRISTEKDIKTI 2017 at OnePM Gading
Sediakan Air Bersih Bagi Masyarakat Desa Marga Mulya, SGU Buktikan Kepedulian Terhadap Lingkungan & Masyarakat Sekitar
Tangerang, 2 Maret 2017 – Dari luas bumi kita, hanya sekitar 1 persen jumlah air yang dapat dikonsumsi makhluk hidup, termasuk di Indonesia. Jumlah salah satu sumber daya alam yang amat penting ini pun sifatnya terbatas dan terus tertekan seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah manusia dan perkembangan industri di dunia. Melihat hal tersebut, sebagai institusi pendidikan
SGU MME and MIT Orientation Day in February 2017
Master of Mechanical Engineering (MME) and Master of Information Technology (MIT) welcomed new students in an “orientation day” event at Swiss German University (SGU) on Saturday, 25 February 2017. At this event, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Ir. Gembong Baskoro, M.Sc., gave a welcoming speech and encouraged the new
SGU Meeting with Parents: Future Plans
Tangerang, 11 February 2017 – Swiss German University held a meeting with parents and students at ARA Hotel, Serpong. This meeting aimed to provide updated plans that have been prepared by SGU, both long term and short term, to parents aggravated by the forced fencing / blocking action illegally carried out by PT. BSD /
Certification Ceremony for Bela Negara Training Pogram
Tangerang, 30 January 2017 – SGU held a certification ceremony for all participants of the ‘Bela Negara’ training program. The program was conducted from 2nd to 4th December, 2016, at the ‘Bela Negara’ Centre of Education and Training at Cibodas, Rumpin, Bogor, and was joined by 60 students and 17 lecturers/supervisors from SGU. All participants received a
Despite SGU Campus being blocked Illegally, SGU students continue to achieve
Despite the inconveniences caused by the blockage of SGU campus organized by PT. BSD/Sinarmas Land, student activities continue unabated. At the beginning of January, a team consisting of SGU students from Public Relations and Business Administration study programs won a business simulation competition, which was part of Net Economy events organized by a German university.
SGU Prepares Its Students for Global Challenge through SGU Goes to Europe 2017
To give our semester 6 students a big send off before they begin their internship adventure, Swiss German University (SGU) held an event entitled "SGU Goes To Europe 2017" on Tuesday, January 24th 2017. This event was a symbolic farewell event for the students about to embark on a new learning journey in two of
Utamakan Hak Pendidikan Mahasiswa/i, Swiss German University (SGU) Siapkan Gedung Perkuliahan Permanen
Tangerang, 18 Januari 2017 – Swiss German University (SGU) buktikan komitmennya dalam menjamin keberlangsungan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) dengan menyiapkan gedung perkuliahan bagi seluruh jajaran civitas akademika beserta mahasiswa/i program sarjana dan pasca sarjana SGU. Gedung perkuliahan yang berada di The Prominence Tower, Alam Sutera, Tangerang ini sedang disiapkan untuk dapat digunakan pada permulaan semester
Prioritizing the Right to Education Students, Swiss German University (SGU) Provide New Building
Tangerang, 18 Januari 2017 – Swiss German University (SGU) has proven its commitment to ensuring the sustainability of Teaching and Learning Activities by preparing the lecture building for all staff and students, both undergraduate and graduate. The new lecture building is located in The Prominence Tower, Alam Sutera, Tangerang is being prepared to be used