Seminar on Green Touchable Nanorobotic Communication and Sensor Network

Seminar on Green Touchable Nanorobotic Communication and Sensor Network

On February 10, 2016 – The Academic Research and Community Services (ARCS) Directorate of Swiss German University (SGU) successfully held a seminar on Green Touchable Nanorobotic Communication and Sensor Network at SGU Campus, BSD City, Tangerang. This half-day seminar was a collaboration between SGU and South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC).

The event was intended to enrich the faculty members and students at SGU and other participants with the new developments in various areas of research of electronic and biological nanomachines. In addition, this seminar enhanced and expanded international collaboration between SGU and international partners in education and research.


Opening speech from Rector Swiss German University Dr. rer.-nat. Filiana Santoso


Prof. Dr. Yifan Chen speaker of this seminar

Prof. Dr. Yifan Chen (FIET, SMIEEE),  Head of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC), Was the speaker and there were 31 participants who joined the seminar.


Participants who joined the seminar

The seminar was about recent progress in electronic and biological nanomachines that has promised the prospect of realizing nanorobotic communication and sensor networks (NCSN), where the nanobots are both green (i.e., biocompatible and biodegradable) and touchable (i.e., externally controllable and continuously trackable). In the former aspect, NCSN will dissolve in an aqueous environment after completing the required tasks and cause no harm to the environment. In the latter aspect, NCSN employs cross-scale interfaces to interconnect the in vivo environment and its external environment. NCSN may find important applications in biomedical imaging, cancer detection, targeted drug delivery, etc.