Forging a Path to Digital Excellence: The Strategic Collaboration Between SGU and PIDI 4.0 for Global Manufacturing Transformation
On Monday, August 14th, 2023, a momentous event took place at the prestigious Aston Bogor Hotel. Swiss German University (SGU) took a giant leap forward as it entered into a significant partnership, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Center for Digital Industry Indonesia 4.0 (PIDI 4.0), represented by Dr. Nila Krisnawati Hidayat, SE., MM. the Vice Rector for non-Academic Affairs of SGU, and Drs. Masrokhan, MPA., CGCAE, the Head of the Human Resource Development Agency for the Industrial Sector, Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia (BPSDMI, Kemenperin).
SGU reignites collaboration as “A Journey Together” for dreamful learning
This was further realized through an SGU mini gala on Friday, themed “A Journey Together.” The event serves as a token of appreciation to all that have been continuously supporting and collaborating with SGU to provide a distinctive learning experience.
Kuliah di Luar Negeri, Bukan Sekedar Gengsi
Peluang kuliah di luar negeri sangat besar, namun sayangnya banyak masyarakat yang kurang memahami prosedur melanjutkan studi ke sana. Kesan yang ada di tengah masyarakat, kuliah di luar negeri adalah mahal. Kalaupun ada beasiswa maka prosesnya rumit. Apakah hal ini benar adanya? Saya mewawancarai Direktur Eksekutif Center for Health and Education Studies (CHES), Kholis Abdurachim Audah, M.Sc, Ph.D.
Farmasi USD dan Swiss German University Tingkatkan Ekonomi Desa Ini – Guna meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Semawung, Purworejo, Jawa Tengah, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) berkolaborasi.
Congratulations Dr. Dipl. -Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo on your appointment as the Rector of SGU for the 2023-2027 term!
We are thrilled to announce this momentous occasion as Dr. Dipl. -Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo takes the helm as the new leader of SGU.
SGU’s Business and Management Program Achieves Outstanding Accreditation by Lamemba – BNPT!
At SGU, we believe in empowering our students to thrive in the competitive business world. With our comprehensive curriculum and industry-focused approach, our Business and Management Program prepares you to tackle real-world challenges and excel in diverse business domains.
Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony between Swiss German University and Universitas Putera Batam
SGU Motori Kolaborasi Rektor dan Dekan 9 Negara Untuk Pendidikan Bidang Pangan
SGU Motori Kolaborasi Rektor dan Dekan 9 Negara Untuk Pendidikan Bidang Pangan Ketahanan pangan adalah kekuatan negara dan bangsa. Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan, Dr. Ir. Agung Hendriadi, M. Eng. memaparkan bahwa sistem pangan yang baik tidak dapat bergantung hanya pada produksi namun keseluruhan sistem pangan mulai dari petani, distribusi, kemasan, bahkan hingga sampahnya. Deputi Pengembangan
Akselerasi Ekonomi Kreatif Saat Pandemi, Hadirkan Inovasi dan Kolaborasi
Akselerasi Ekonomi Kreatif Saat Pandemi, Hadirkan Inovasi dan Kolaborasi Ketika satu pintu tertutup, pintu lain dibukakan, kalau pintu lain juga tertutup, mari kita buka jendela. Demikian kelakar ketua panitia Dr. Maria Gunawan-Puteri, ketua program studi teknologi pangan Swiss German University, pada saat konferensi pers the IC-FANRES 2021. Pandemi ini rasanya memang seperti pintu yang semua
Food That Boosts Your Immune System During the Pandemic!
Covid – 19 or Coronavirus was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. And Indonesia seems to be on the brink of a COVID-19 surge with a substantial increase in daily cases this week and with more regions now given the undesirable “red zone” tag. The surge in cases in Indonesia has