6 Highest Career Prospects as Industrial Engineers
Industrial engineering is known as one of the applicable disciplines, because students studying this are certainly equipped with very versatile skills. Before talking further, let us first discuss the definition of Industrial Engineering. Basically, industrial engineering is diverse (various) disciplines concerned to improve and optimize integrated systems that consist of human, equipment, material, information, energy,
3 Fintech Challenges and Their Solutions
Financial technology in Indonesia has very rapid growth lately, both in the payment sector and peer to peer (P2P) lending. Based on statistical data from Bank Indonesia and Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, the value of e-money transactions increase 73 percent in the March 2018-February 2019. Total fintech payments reached Rp 47.1 trillion in 2018. More rapid
Wearable Mini ECG, Solution for the Lack of Cardiologists in Indonesia
Cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death in Indonesia. Basic Health Research data for 2018 conducted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, shows that at least 2.7 million people in this country suffer from heart disease. That means, 15 out of 1000 people in Indonesia are detected suffering from this
The 2nd International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economy (InCoGITE) 2020
November 5, 2020 Tangerang – Swiss German University together with Multimedia Nusantara University and the University of Pelita Harapan held The 2nd International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economy (InCoGITE) in 2020, with the theme of “Global Business Sustainability in the New Normal Era: Challenges and Opportunities in The Covid-19 Pandemic”. This event
5 Things You Should Know about Mechatronics Engineering
Today’s challenge is answering industrial automation needs, and mechatronics is the answer! The emergence of Industry 4.0 forces us to become people who continue to advance, are technology literate, and are always able to answer the needs of industrial automation. So, mechatronics is the answer! To discuss further, here are 5 things you should know
Transformasi Digital Dorong Pengembangan Ekonomi Berbasis Inovasi
Dalam acara yang di gelar Swiss German University, Menristek RI Bambang Brodjonegoro menegaskan pentingya transformasi digital dalam pengembangan ekonomi berbasis inovasi. Situasi pandemi menjadi momen tepat untuk “mengakselerasi transformasi digital.” Selain itu dia juga menekankan pentingnya transformasi digital dalam mendukung pengembangan ekonomi berbasis inovasi. Hal ini sebagai perwujudan pergesaran paradigma pengembangan ekonomi yang tadinya berbasis sumber
Sebagai komitmen dalam mengikuti perkembangan pariwisata di dunia global, dan khususnya di Indonesia, Swiss German University sebagai anggota PATA Chapter Indonesia berpartisipasi dalam acara “WORLD TOURISM DAY”. Acara yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk virtual event ini didukung oleh pemerintah daerah yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh Dinas Kepariwisataan & Kebudayaan DKI Jakarta, dan akan dilangsungkan pada
SGU Combat COVID-19: Response & Responsibility.
SGU has committed to take the safety and health of students, faculty, and staff as their top priority. To support the government’s efforts in the prevention of COVID-19, The Rector Office of SGU has taken a preventative measure by deploying a collaboration team from FM and FLST for disinfectant spraying in all campus environments. The
JAKARTA ( 12/09/2020 ) – Revolusi Industri 4.0 telah ramai menjadi perbincangan masyarakat internasional, persiapan menghadapi revolusi ini juga telah mulai dilakukan oleh seluruh satuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Perguruan Tinggi merupakan satuan pendidikan yang paling penting untuk beradaptasi, agar generasi penerus bangsa memiliki keahlian yang dibutuhkan oleh Industri saat lulus nanti. Salah satu keahlian yang
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Jalin Kerja Sama dengan Swiss German University
KOMPAS.com – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin), Sukardi Silalahi mengapresiasi kerja sama PT Telin dan Swiss German University (SGU) dalam Program Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Sebagai informasi, SGU merupakan universitas yang memiliki standar internasional dalam sistem belajar mengajar, termasuk seluruh staf pengajar dan mahasiswanya. “Kerja sama tersebut dilakukan melalui sharing knowledge atau berbagi ilmu dari