Enhancing the Quality of Young Generation through SGU Unique Internship Program
Every year, Swiss German University sends its 6th semester students to Europe. Over the past 17 years, SGU has successfully sent more than 2,500 students for their internship program. For 2018, 192 students were sent to Germany and Switzerland to do their mandatory study and internship program. Before their departure to Europe, SGU held an internship farewell ceremony entitled “SGU Goes to Europe 2018”, which was held on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at Usmar Ismail Hall, Kuningan, Jakarta.
SGU Goes to Europe is an annual farewell event organized by SGU as a form of its consistency and commitment in improving students’ quality globally through the internship program to Europe. This year, the event was attended by several distinguished guests as a form of support for SGU students. Among them were a representative of the German Embassy – Head of Division Science & Technology Dr. Svann Langguth, and a representative of the Swiss Embassy – Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Michael Cottier. Also in attendance was the SGU Board member Dr. Frans Tshai, SGU Internship Coordinator in Europe Prof. Juergen Grueneberg, SGU partners in industries, and the 6th semester students along with their parents and friends.
The event began with a dance performance called Genjring, a traditional dance from West Java performed by SGU Traditonal dance club, Tratan, followed by the opening speech from SGU Rector Dr. rer.nat. Filiana Santoso and a speech of encouragement which was delivered by the representatives of the German and Swiss Embassies. Both delivered basic information about their country and encouraged the students to quickly adapt to a new environment. They also hoped that the students could gain much knowledge during their time in Europe.
Beside the valuable speeches from the distinguished guests, there were also other speakers who gave some advice for the students. Dr. phil. Matthias Günther gave information about pre-departure, while Mr. Hery Sutanto as the Head of Chemical Engineering and 2 of his students from semester 8, Rosa Belinda and Felix Siswanto, gave some survival tips in Europe in a fun way. By listening to their advice, hopefully the students can quickly adapt to their new environment and never be afraid to do anything during their study and internship.
As a symbolic farewell from SGU and lecturers to all 6th semester students, the representatives from 3 faculties in SGU attached some scarfs to student representatives as a symbol they will start the new journey soon. The students were also given a luggage tag so they will remember SGU wherever they are. Furthermore, as a tribute to their seniors and friends who will be leaving for Europe, one of SGU Music club also presented collaboration between Angklung, Band, and singer.
Through this internship program, SGU hopes that the students will gain a lot of knowledge, skills and experience during their once in a lifetime stay in Europe. When they return to Indonesia, they can be the young generation who have international vision and be able to lead Indonesia globally.