
Student Association of Food Technology Endorse Indonesian Woman

To commemorate the birth of Raden Ajeng Kartini, who was born on 21st of April 1879, Student Association of Food Technology held a Kartini’s day campaign. R. A. Kartini is one of the most reputable Indonesia’s heroines. She is viewed as a pioneer who fought and struggled for the emancipation of Indonesian women’s rights.  The

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Maulahikmah Galinium is the First Winner of Outstanding Lecturer in Kopertis Region IV 2015

On 27 & 28 July 2015 – Maulahikmah Galinium, one of the Swiss German University Information Technology lecturers, attended an event held by The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education titled ‘Selection of Outstanding Achievement Lecturer in Kopertis Region IV 2015’. Kopertis Region IV is a coordinator for private universities in West Java and

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Swiss German University Signed a Coorperation Agreement with ATMI Cikarang

  August 11, 2015 – On Wednesday June 24, 2015 at Swiss German University (SGU) a delegation from Akademi Tehnik Mesin Industri (ATMI) Cikarang led by Romo Ag. Hendro Subekti, SJ (Director of ATMI Cikarang), Romo Ch. Kristiono Puspo, SJ (Deputy Director), Dipl.-Ing. Henri Paul, MBA (Deputy Director of Academic Affairs), and other officials of

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Biomedical Engineering held a Seminar of Treatment, Prevention, and Alternative Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus Disease

On July 2, 2015,  This seminar was a collaboration work between Swiss German University, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor, and Prodia Bogor. The seminar was held in two sessions. First session was brought by dr. Eddy Darma, MKKK., Head of Prevention, Disease Control, and Environmental Health – Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor. In this session, he explained how to

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Information Technology of SGU Join Competition as Finalist

May 2015, Bachelor of Information Technology. Student from Swiss German University, joined an IdeaFuse ACM ICPC Multi-Provincial Algorithm and Programming Competition. This competition was organized by STMIK-STIE Mikroskil, Medan and supported by ACM (Associative for Computing and Machinery), Aptikom (Association of University of Informatics and Computer Science) and Kopertis I regional Nangroe Aceh Darussalam and

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Leaders of SGU exchange visit to ATMI Cikarang

On May 25, 2015, a delegation from Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) Swiss German University (SGU) made an exchange visit to Akademi Tehnik Mesin Industri (ATMI) Cikarang. The SGU delegation was led by Dr.rer.nat. Filiana Santoso (Acting Rector of SGU)  and included  Boris Manurung, M.Eng. (Vice Rector-2), Dr.rer.nat. Maruli Panjaitan (Director of Cooperation), Eny

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MBA Alumni Establishment Event 3 July 2015 at The Sultan Hotel, Jakarta

July 08, 2015 – the MBA Department of Swiss German University began with its first Batch in the year 2000 and now has Alumni from Batch 1 to Batch 22.  The Alumni Organization Establishment is an essential part of  building a relationship between MBA Alumni and Civitas Academica. The objectives of the Alumni Organization Establishment

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The 2nd Annual Meet The Lecturer's 2015

July 4th, 2015 – Swiss German University (SGU) held an event to prepare both parents and students of year 2015 for global competence through the “Meet The Lecturers” event at SGU Campus – BSD City. The event was held before the start of the new academic semester that will commence in the third week of

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Bio Debate Competition at UPH

On 20th of June 2015,Swiss German University – Sustainable Energy and Environment study program (SEE) – Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology, Barry Wiethoff, Joshua A. Silitonga and Rahmat Farhan has won the Runner up in Bio debate Competition held by Pelita Harapan University. This Bio debate Competition was attended by

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Marketing, Branding and Financial Knowledge for Mompreneurs

On Wednesday, 10th June 2015, Swiss German University – Business Administration (BA) Department held a Business Knowledge Empowerment for “Mompreneur Club Member” Workshop as a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This Business Workshop was held on SGU Campus from 9 am to 3 pm, with the theme “Marketing, Branding and Financial Knowledge”. 16 participants,

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