Campus Socialization for Tax Amnesty
The topic of tax amnesty has recently captured the attention of people in Indonesia. The program was divised by the Indonesian government with the aim of attracting Indonesian citizens to disclose their assets, both domestic and abroad, in their tax report. In order to support the tax amnesty program, the Accounting study program of Swiss German University cooperated with Kanwil DJP Banten in organizing a Tax Amnesty Seminar for the public to gain understanding about what tax amnesty is all about. The theme of the seminar was Tax amnesty for the civitas academica and business community. This event supported the Tax Center’s program to socialize tax knowledge and issues to the community around SGU.
The seminar was held in the student lounge at Swiss German University on Thursday September 22, 2016. The guest speakers at the seminar were Bapak Yusan Jubiantara from Kanwil DJP Banten, Bapak Herry from KPP Cikupa and Bapak Agung from Humas DJP Banten.
The audience at the seminar included SGU staff, lecturers, parents, guests from Prasetiya Mulya and Accounting students. They were interested in asking about regulations and procedures, types and categories of assets disclosed, and consequences of the Tax Amnesty program. The seminar was opened by Imelda Suardi, MAcc, CPA, the Head of the Accounting department, and the moderator of the seminar was Nurdayadi, MSc, the Deputy Head of the Accounting department. SGU rector, Ibu Dr.rer.nat Filiana Santoso, delivered the welcoming speech.