


Exploring the Transformative Role of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology in Therapy and Rehabilitation: A Focus on Biomedical Engineering

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has emerged as a groundbreaking innovation, revolutionizing various fields, including healthcare and rehabilitation. In the realm of Biomedical Engineering, the study of VR technology’s application in therapy and rehabilitation holds immense promise.

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The Surging Requirement for Biomedical Engineering Graduates in Industries and the Transformative Impact of Their Expertise

If you are eager to enhance your understanding of Biomedical Engineering, this knowledge can pave the way for a fulfilling career as an engineer. Embark on your educational journey at Swiss German University (SGU).

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Dialysis: Technology That Helps People Survive

If a person’s kidneys are not working properly – for example, because she or he has  advanced chronic kidney disease (kidney failure) – the kidneys may not be able to clean the blood properly. Waste products and fluid can build up to dangerous levels in their body. Left untreated, this can cause a number of

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PicoSure Laser; Painless Treatment for Your Skin

Everyone dreams of having healthy glowing skin, but many people find it difficult to get clear skin. The methods for getting clear skin will vary, depending on the person’s skin type. One of the methods is using an aesthetic laser. Sculpting, toning and smoothing can be done by aesthetic lasers. This kind of laser can

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What The Medical World Would Be Without These Guys?

Biomedical engineering combines electronic, mechanical, chemical, as well as materials engineering with the medical fields such as medicine, biology and molecular biology. It is one of the most complex branches of engineering. Earning a biomedical engineering degree can literally help you change the world because biomedical engineers have developed a number of life-enhancing and life-saving

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Made By SGU: SGU Researcher Found Potential Anticancer Drug From Indonesian

Mangrove; Xylocarpus Granatum Leaves Ethyl Acetate Extract Mangroves are salt-tolerant plants that grow on brackish coasts and seawater systems. Considered to be a cornerstone species, mangroves produce secondary metabolites which helped them thrive on both freshwater and marine systems, as well as provide a habitat for many living beings. In Indonesia, mangroves are a very

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The Resilient Spirit of SGU Students to Become Heroes from Zero

Each high school graduate has a dream that they want to fulfill in their life. But many of them are still confused about how to achieve it. They finally tried various efforts to find a way to their dreams. On the way, they often face challenges even failures. Swiss German University is a place for

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Biomedical Engineering: Another way to contribute in the healthcare sector, besides being a doctor!

If you visit a hospital, you will definitely find medical devices that doctors often use to help analyze diagnosis of the disease you are experiencing. You might be familiar with stethoscopes or tensimeters. Besides, there are also more sophisticated devices such as ultrasound (sonography), implants or artificial organs, lasers, physiotherapy medical rehabilitation devices, and many

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