


Kepentingan Kecerdasan Buatan dalam Industri 4.0

Nowadays, the price of the latest smartphones aren’t that much different from the prices of smartphones a few years ago despite the increasingly better capabilities and quality.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Keamanan Siber: Lindungi Diri dan Bisnis Digital Anda

As technology continues to advance, individuals and businesses face escalating cyber threats, making robust cybersecurity measures crucial for safeguarding digital assets.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Study IT – Cyber Security at SGU: Your Way to be the Next Cyber Security Expert

In an era dominated by technology, the need for skilled cybersecurity experts has never been more critical. As businesses and individuals alike become increasingly dependent on digital platforms, the demand for professionals capable of safeguarding sensitive information and securing online environments continues to soar. If you aspire to be at the forefront of this dynamic

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program IT

Exploring Future Careers: SGU’s IT Program in AI and Data Science Offers Unprecedented Prospects

In the dynamic landscape of Information Technology, the focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science has become pivotal for shaping the workforce of the future. Swiss German University’s cutting-edge program in Information Technology specializing in AI and Data Science not only aligns with the current technological trends but also anticipates the workforce needs of 2025.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Exploring the Diversity of IT Careers: From Enterprise Web/Mobile Application Developer to Cybersecurity Specialist

In the expansive digital landscape, Information Technology (IT) careers have diversified, presenting a plethora of exciting opportunities. IT professionals today are pivotal in shaping the technological future, ranging from crafting cutting-edge enterprise web and mobile applications to safeguarding sensitive data as cybersecurity specialists.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

How to Start Programming: The Step-by-Step Guide for Beginner

The role of technology has changed quite a bit in the last 20 years or so. Slowly but surely, computers have permeated nearly every part of our lives, from what we buy, to how we get from place to place, to how we work, to where we eat after we clock out for the day.

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Getting To Know Biometric Authentication: Protect Your Data to the Next Level

A password alone may not be enough to keep all our personal information completely secure. Nowadays we use fingerprint, facial recognition, a retina scan, or some other physical characteristic to protect our data. Well that’s actually called, biometrics—a new way of verifying our identity that uses physical and behavioral traits, not easily hackable passwords. What

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Getting To Know Software Architect: One of the Highest-Paying Tech Jobs in 2021

The current era is one that is almost entirely dependent on technology. We use technology more than ever these days to connect with friends and family, stay up to date on the latest and greatest happenings in the world, and keep up with our business easily. Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world and

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

Everyone Can Be an Entrepreneur, But Not Everyone Can Be a Technopreneur, Here is the reason!

Everything You Need To Know About Technopreneur Let’s first named the most famous company in the world, Google? Apple? Facebook? Amazon? Tesla? Or maybe Gojek in Indonesia. And now, what do all these companies have in common? Profit? Human resources? A marketing strategy or what? The answer is; they create a product or solution that

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc

The Resilient Spirit of SGU Students to Become Heroes from Zero

Each high school graduate has a dream that they want to fulfill in their life. But many of them are still confused about how to achieve it. They finally tried various efforts to find a way to their dreams. On the way, they often face challenges even failures. Swiss German University is a place for

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