Swiss German University (SGU) Nyatakan Naik Banding dan Menjamin Kegiatan Belajar – Mengajar
Tangerang, 9 Januari 2017 – Sehubungan dengan keputusan Majelis Hakim pada Senin, 9 Januari 2017 di Pengadilan Negeri Tangerang yang memenuhi tuntutan PT. Bumi Serpong Damai – Sinarmas Land (PT. BSD-SML) untuk pembatalan PPJB antara PT. Swiss German Uni (PT. SGU) dengan PT. BSD-SML atas jual beli lahan dan bangunan dengan peruntukkan kampus Swiss German
PT. BSD Ganggu Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar Mahasiswa/i SGU
Di tengah proses persidangan yang masih bergulir, PT. BSD tidak menghormati proses hukum dengan mengganggu kegiatan belajar mengajar mahasiswa/i SGU, meresahkan masyarakat, dan mengganggu kepentingan umum. Tangerang, 16 Desember 2016 – PT. Bumi Serpong Damai, Tbk (PT. BSD), salah satu perusahaan dalam grup Sinarmas Land, terbukti tidak menghormati proses hukum yang masih bergulir dengan melakukan
SGU Statement on Campus Forced Closure & Study Continuity
New Building Information English Bahasa Indonesia SGU Study Continuity Information Campus Forced Closure Information
SGU Chosen as the University to Receive Most Comprehensive ‘Bela Negara’ Training
Swiss German University (SGU) was among the 4 (four) universities chosen by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) to receive a special learning and training program on the subject of ‘bela negara’, beating 33 (thirty-three) other universities that submitted proposals for the program. This ‘Bela Negara’ learning and training program is a
A Web-based Stock Simulation Training to Elevate the Knowledge in Capital Market Investment
The subdivision of Accounting Department i.e., the Investment Gallery of Swiss German University in collaboration with PT Ide Kreasindo Utama conducted a workshop about Online Stock Simulation Trading on November 15, 2016. This is the next step to enrich the knowledge of SGU students and lecturers about the investment in capital market. The purpose of
SGU Excursion to Bio Farma
On the 3rd of November 2016, students of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Departments, accompanied by their lecturers, visited PT. Bio Farma, a leading, global vaccine production and distribution company, located in Pasteur, Bandung. The students arrived at PT. Bio Farma at 9 a.m., and were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Nadia Puspa from Corporate Communications,
SGU Student and Lecturer Rose as Finalists at Falling Walls Lab 2016
The first international, multi discipline science competition hosted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD or Deutscher Akademischer Austauschedienst) and University of Indonesia was held on Tuesday 27th of September at the “Falling Walls Lab” Jakarta. The falling wall was initiated on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall.
To Elevate the Young Generation's Knowledge & Skills, SGU Held Gameathon Competition 2016
Many of the younger generation in Indonesia like playing games during their free time. There are a lot of games available developed by both professionals as well as amateurs in Indonesia. Due to the popularity of video games, the department of Information Technology, Swiss German University (BIT SGU) organized a workshop and competition on how
The prominency of Swiss German University was Exhibited during SGU Day 2016
On 8 October 2016, Swiss German University held SGU Day 2016. SGU Day 2016 is a series of SGU events open for the public consisting of an Open House, faculty exhibitions, competitions, and workshops in the areas of engineering, business, humanities and life sciences. With the theme ‘Where Global Experience & Innovation Meet’, SGU Day
The First International University in Indonesia Congratulates the Latest Batch of Qualified and Globally Competitive Young Graduates
On 25 September 2016, Swiss German University (SGU), the first recognized and accredited international university in Indonesia, proudly held the 13th graduation ceremony at Pullman Hotel, West Jakarta. The graduation ceremony for 329 undergraduate and graduate students from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Business Administration & Humanities, and Faculty of Life