Certification Ceremony for Bela Negara Training Pogram
Tangerang, 30 January 2017 – SGU held a certification ceremony for all participants of the ‘Bela Negara’ training program. The program was conducted from 2nd to 4th December, 2016, at the ‘Bela Negara’ Centre of Education and Training at Cibodas, Rumpin, Bogor, and was joined by 60 students and 17 lecturers/supervisors from SGU. All participants received a
Despite SGU Campus being blocked Illegally, SGU students continue to achieve
Despite the inconveniences caused by the blockage of SGU campus organized by PT. BSD/Sinarmas Land, student activities continue unabated. At the beginning of January, a team consisting of SGU students from Public Relations and Business Administration study programs won a business simulation competition, which was part of Net Economy events organized by a German university.
SGU Prepares Its Students for Global Challenge through SGU Goes to Europe 2017
To give our semester 6 students a big send off before they begin their internship adventure, Swiss German University (SGU) held an event entitled "SGU Goes To Europe 2017" on Tuesday, January 24th 2017. This event was a symbolic farewell event for the students about to embark on a new learning journey in two of
Utamakan Hak Pendidikan Mahasiswa/i, Swiss German University (SGU) Siapkan Gedung Perkuliahan Permanen
Tangerang, 18 Januari 2017 – Swiss German University (SGU) buktikan komitmennya dalam menjamin keberlangsungan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) dengan menyiapkan gedung perkuliahan bagi seluruh jajaran civitas akademika beserta mahasiswa/i program sarjana dan pasca sarjana SGU. Gedung perkuliahan yang berada di The Prominence Tower, Alam Sutera, Tangerang ini sedang disiapkan untuk dapat digunakan pada permulaan semester
Prioritizing the Right to Education Students, Swiss German University (SGU) Provide New Building
Tangerang, 18 Januari 2017 – Swiss German University (SGU) has proven its commitment to ensuring the sustainability of Teaching and Learning Activities by preparing the lecture building for all staff and students, both undergraduate and graduate. The new lecture building is located in The Prominence Tower, Alam Sutera, Tangerang is being prepared to be used
Swiss German University (SGU) Nyatakan Naik Banding dan Menjamin Kegiatan Belajar – Mengajar
Tangerang, 9 Januari 2017 – Sehubungan dengan keputusan Majelis Hakim pada Senin, 9 Januari 2017 di Pengadilan Negeri Tangerang yang memenuhi tuntutan PT. Bumi Serpong Damai – Sinarmas Land (PT. BSD-SML) untuk pembatalan PPJB antara PT. Swiss German Uni (PT. SGU) dengan PT. BSD-SML atas jual beli lahan dan bangunan dengan peruntukkan kampus Swiss German
PT. BSD Ganggu Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar Mahasiswa/i SGU
Di tengah proses persidangan yang masih bergulir, PT. BSD tidak menghormati proses hukum dengan mengganggu kegiatan belajar mengajar mahasiswa/i SGU, meresahkan masyarakat, dan mengganggu kepentingan umum. Tangerang, 16 Desember 2016 – PT. Bumi Serpong Damai, Tbk (PT. BSD), salah satu perusahaan dalam grup Sinarmas Land, terbukti tidak menghormati proses hukum yang masih bergulir dengan melakukan
SGU Statement on Campus Forced Closure & Study Continuity
New Building Information English Bahasa Indonesia SGU Study Continuity Information Campus Forced Closure Information
SGU Chosen as the University to Receive Most Comprehensive ‘Bela Negara’ Training
Swiss German University (SGU) was among the 4 (four) universities chosen by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) to receive a special learning and training program on the subject of ‘bela negara’, beating 33 (thirty-three) other universities that submitted proposals for the program. This ‘Bela Negara’ learning and training program is a
A Web-based Stock Simulation Training to Elevate the Knowledge in Capital Market Investment
The subdivision of Accounting Department i.e., the Investment Gallery of Swiss German University in collaboration with PT Ide Kreasindo Utama conducted a workshop about Online Stock Simulation Trading on November 15, 2016. This is the next step to enrich the knowledge of SGU students and lecturers about the investment in capital market. The purpose of