SGU Menempati Posisi 1 Dari 10 Universitas Swasta Terbaik di Tangerang Versi EduRank – Calon mahasiswa yang berencana kuliah di tahun akademik 2024/2025 tentu ingin memilih universitas terbaik sebagai tempat melanjutkan pendidikan.
Horison Global: Rektor SGU Terlibat dengan Duta Besar Vietnam untuk Peluang Double Degree
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 – SGU’s ongoing dedication to expanding its presence in international markets, particularly in Asia, specifically focusing on Vietnam. The rector of SGU, Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo, took proactive steps in this endeavor by engaging in discussions and exploring potential collaborations with His Excellency Ta Van Thong, the Ambassador-designate of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Indonesia.
Memperkuat Hubungan Pendidikan: SGU dan Sekolah Kristen IPEKA Membangun Hubungan Kolaboratif
Monday, February 5, 2024 – Swiss German University (SGU) and IPEKA Christian School reaffirmed their commitment to fostering educational collaboration, marking a significant milestone in their long standing partnership.
Harmony of Innovations: 2024 Creative Business Idea Competition Uniting Woosong, SGU and Binus for Global Entrepreneurial Excellence
Monday, January 29, 2024, Creative Business Idea Competition, Binus University, in collaboration with SolBridge International School of Business of Woosong University and Swiss German University (SGU).
SGU’s Innovation Day 2024 Explores the Frontiers of Knowledge
Thursday, January 25, 2024, Swiss German University (SGU) organized an interactive workshop and talk show. SGU Innovation Day welcomes students from Al-Wildan 3 BSD and Islamic Village High School.
SGU Goes To Europe 2024
Thursday, January 25, 2024, To give our semester six students a big send-off before they begin their internship adventure, Swiss German University (SGU) held an event, SGU Goes To Europe 2024 via online on Thursday,
Pengalaman 6 Bulan Pertukaran Pelajar di SGU (Swiss German University)
The decision for me to go to Indonesia to do Exchange in SGU was rather spontaneous. I have always been an enthusiastic fan of Asia, because of the year-round summer temperatures, the culture and the food. I knew that I would like to spend my semester abroad and would like to spend my semester abroad in Asia.
In continuation of 5-Years Fast Track Bachelor’s and Master’s Program, Swiss German University Collaborates with the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC)
The delegation from UMKC, namely Dr. Kevin Truman (Dean of the School of Science and Engineering) and C. Mauli Agrawal, PhD (Chancellor of UMKC), was welcomed by the Rector of Swiss German University,
Bagaimana Rasanya Magang Lokal bagi Mahasiswa Mechatronic Semester 3 yang Sebenarnya?
The highschool I went to didn’t prepare me enough to actually go through this subject at first. Having only learned about Mechatronics for 3 semesters made me feel like I know very little about this subject. But the teachers and mentors I have on campus made me even more inspired to be better and explore more about the world of Mechatronics.
Mengungkapkan Tren Paling Populer: Lima Jurusan Kuliah Teratas
In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, certain fields stand out as trailblazers, capturing the attention of ambitious students seeking to carve a niche in cutting-edge industries.